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Getting off my motorcycle, Mark and I headed to the pack house. The moment we stepped inside the building, the Alphas stormed towards us. It was almost like they were waiting for us.

"Where the hell have you guys been?" Alpha Miguel boomed. "And how could you leave without backup, do you know how worried we were".

Bowing slightly I apologized, "sorry Alphas, Mark and I needed to follow the trail to see where it led to".

"Well we're not bothered about that, we are more worried about the damages those intruders caused" Alpha Stevens growled.

"Damages. What damages?" Mark enquired.

Alpha Stevens sighed "Why don't we head to the office, Maxwell and Michael are already waiting".

We walked swiftly to the office, where Maxwell, Micheal, Rex and Damien waited.

Seeing us Rex stood up, running a hand through his hair looking relieved, "Damn it Mark, next time give someone a heads-up okay? I was worried about you".

Mark nodded "Yeah sure, sorry about that, although I'm still not sure what's going on".

Damian sighed "the Intruders left a huge mark on us. We had some casualties and some people are missing".

I ran a hand through my hair, "how many casualties, how many were taken and do we know this missing people?".

All eyes looked in my direction so I raised my brows at them scoffing "hold on, did you guys think Mark and I were taken?".

Alpha Miguel slumped on a seat "No. Actually it was Aurora's friends that were taken, together with my daughter".

I opened my mouth, then shut it. "Shit, how many of her friends and how the hell did this happen. Where were the guards?".

"The four of them were taken, Kassandra made the figure five. We only found their clothes at different locations with some blood on the floor". Rex answered

"Concerning the guards, well not all are breathing" Damian scowled. "It's a good thing the others were not taken too" enforcer Micheal added.

Mark sat close to Rex "What do you mean the others weren't taken. Who are the others?".

"Theo, Luke and Sarah. We found them beaten and badly bruised. Guess they couldn't take all they decided to drop some behind" Rex growled.

"I think I understand the reason why Kassandra and Kate was taken, considering they informed us about being attacked. But the others, I'm not sure why". Damian wondered.

Walking to the door I punched through the wall, "Damm it." I turned back, "the cameras, was any footage found?".

They shook their heads. I turned to Maxwell.a

"Maxwell, anyway we can get the footage back?, or maybe talk to the guards who were hur?t".

Rubbing his forehead Maxwell shook his head "None of the guards who was hurt survived. It was all a clean kill. But concerning Aurora's friends and Kassandra, we got their scent and saw some blood but that's all".

"As usual we didn't get any other scent that might be that of the attackers" Rex added.

"And we can't tell if they're alive or dead. Fuck, those bastards has my daughter, my only daughter" alpha Miguel growled.

We all kept silent, each in our thoughts.

Mark spoke first "Aside from Luke Theo and Sarah, was any other pack member hurt?"

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