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Hy guys am really sorry for the long wait😥😥😥. I'll try to update regularly. Please don't be mad at me😣



I stared at my mate who laid beside me sleeping soundly. She looks so fragile and soft it made me want to cover and shield her from every danger. But with Rex and Theo laying in the hospital I know she's strong enough to take on her own.

My mind wandered to last night's event. Even without alpha Stevens conclusion it was obvious that whatever happened last night was done to make people scared.

And what best way to do that, especially making them face their worst fears, even if it's imaginary.

I sighed heavily as I thought back to the pain I felt when I had those images.

My greatest fear of all time had always been, being unable to revenge my parents death but to my surprise last night revealed to me that my greatest fear was not even that.

I stroked Aurora's cheeks softly. Last night showed me that my worst fear is seeing Aurora killed, especially by the one person who killed my parents.


That fucking two faced bastard. Xavier growled.

Gently getting up from the bed, I strode to the window scanning the area.

It was still dark outside, the air light and cool, making the atmosphere calm but my mind is anything but calm.

Not with the memories rushing through my head and crashing like waves.


Dad and I were playing catch in our wolves, with Mom and Aunt Lola talking by the side. When suddenly Uncle Maxwell ran to the field shouting that we were under attack.

Mom carried me in with Aunt Lola behind us. But as we got to the house I saw Uncle Maxwell pull Aunt Lola to the side and she suddenly fell. Her clothes turning red.

I screamed and mom held me tighter, speeding through the stairs.

When we got to my room she sat me on the bed and closed the curtains.

"Stay inside Liam don't come out. No matter what happens just stay inside, okay?"

"But Mom what's going on, where's dad and why did uncle Maxwell hurt Aunt Lola?"

"There are bad wolves outside so your dad and I are going to chase them away and am sure your uncle didn't hurt Lola. So just stay in so the bad wolves don't get you".

Mom kisses my cheeks and leaves locking the door behind her.

Turning the knob I knew it was actually locked so I went to the window.

The sight was horrible. Dead bodies everywhere and more were falling.

Looking through the glass I saw Mom shift and attack

"Yeah go mummy" I cheered.

The fight went on for while with me frowning when Mom and Dad got hurt. And cheering when they killed the bad wolves.

It wasn't long before the bad wolves began leaving, I knew we we won.

Pushing through the window I tried getting down using the branch of a tree closeby to anchor myself.

AURORATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang