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Above is a picture of Damien.

And am dedicating this chapter to, Alarean1 and MollyHawkins2


The silence was deafening, not one word was heard.

"Aurora" father called calmly

I tilted my head towards him, "with all due respect enforcer, I would appreciate if you try not to adopt me. Am not a part of your family and I won't be".

Mother looked close to tears "Aurora baby please don't say that".

I stared at her, "am not your baby, ma'am. Am pretty sure your daughter Lisa would be highly offended by that"

"I will not tolerate you disgracing this family, so just come up here" father bellowed.

I glared at him "your family would not be disgraced if you quit the act".

He came down from the podium heading straight to my table

Oooh he's pissed Cora chuckled.

"You will stop with this behavior this instant".

I smirked at him, "but you're not my dad so you can't tell me what to do".

He growled then raised his hand but before he could get it down, I held it applying pressure "am not sure you're setting good example for the pack enforcer Michael".

"And am sure the people who took you in and you call parents didn't teach you a thing about respect" he retorted.

I wanted to rip his head off, I really wanted to but I knew I had to play it cool.

So I smiled and whispered "am glad you know that they didn't, the information could be of great help in the future", letting his hand go I stepped back and watched with pride the way he winced while rubbing his hand.

From my peripheral vision I saw Liam walked in and glancing at our direction.

"Am sorry enforcer but like I said, am not and I will never be a member of your family. I would appreciate it if you remember this".

He glared at me for a moment before stomping off to the podium.

"Let the party begin" he muttered into the mic before pulling this mate's hand and leaving with Liam behind them.

The DJ began the music and everyone cheered before dancing and mingling like nothing happened.

I sat down and took a deep breath, when I was calm I looked up to see Kate holding a slice of pizza before me.

Smiling I took it "girl you know my mind".

We laughed and but Luke was glaring at me.

What's his problem now, Cora grumbled.

Kate turned to Mary, standing she bowed slightly, "my darling mate, can I have this dance?".

Mary giggled and blushed before taking Kate's hand and headed to the dance floor.

Neil pulled Dave up and dragged him to the floor, so it was just Luke and I.

Leaning back I studied him "so what's your problem with Liam?".

He seemed startled by my question but covered it "nothing, I just don't trust him".

Liar liar pants on fire Cora snickered.

Raising my brows I smiled, "really Luke, that's all you're gonna say". But he only shrugged.

"I actually thought you were jealous of him" I muttered while playing with my soda.

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