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I stood before the cliff where I had thrown my adopted parent's ashes. The wind ruffling my clothes and hair.

It's been exactly a week since I left the pack territory. I haven't been in contact with anyone neither have I tried to contact them.

I completely blocked everyone even Liam. I needed the break to make my plans and giving them a an opening through the link might not be a good idea. Especially since Liam can sense emotions.

When do we leave? Cora asked.

Tomorrow afternoon during the guard switch.

It was quiet before I asked. Do you think it's going to work?.

Cora shrugged. It's the best we can do for now. Plus it's gonna keep them on their toes.

I released a tensed breath.

No matter what happens we've got each other. As much as I don't want to lose our mate. I also don't want to lose you.

I smiled as a tear trailed down my cheeks. I don't want to lose you too. And we'll do everything to keep our mate.

I wasn't sure why I came back to Tennessee but am glad I did. Being here brought back memories and made me realize that no matter how strong or powerful I maybe.

I still need help and more importantly I need my mate.

And that is the reason why am heading back to the pack territory. Tomorrow I plan on sneaking into the territory to drop a message.

Knowing that I can easily sneak in and out of the pack territory  will show them that they are certainly not safe.



I parked my motorcycle by the garage rubbing a hand down my face in an effort to calm myself but it wasn't helping and Xavier has been pacing restless.

Although I don't fault him. It's has been a week since our mate was taken and no sign from her, no link, I couldn't even feel her emotions. It was like a total void.

I wasn't even sure if she was alive.

Xavier whimpered in pain.

I rubbed my chest trying to get a little relief from the physical pain I was feeling. Getting off the motorcycle I headed to my room.

"I see you're back" Maxwell mumbled the moment I got into inside the room.

He was seated on my bed legs crossed and a scowl on his face but I wasn't in the mood to deal with him. "Why the fuck are you in my room?".

He shrugged "you left your door open, thought I could help you keep watch". I chuckled darkly "I never leave my door open, not like it would make a difference since you always sneak into my room".

His gaze wavered but he recovered quickly "I don't know what you're talking about but the Alphas want to speak to you about your sudden disappearance for the past week".

I shrugged "I was on a self assigned mission". He raised his brows "which is?".

Getting tired of presence Xavier growled "get the fuck out of my room before I take you out myself and it will not be pretty"

Maxwell stood nervously "Luke is up and be in the Alphas office in an hour's time".

As the door got shut I growled and punched the wall, sitting on the bed I ran a hand through my head and tried to calm my raging wolf.

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