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"Need to wake up", the voice sounded foreign to me, so I snuggled deeper into the covers
"Aurora you need to wake up now", this time the voice sounded so strong and close that I woke with a start.
Looking around I realized I didn't know where I was
That's cause we're with the woman.
Who are you and where are you? I asked loudly looking round the room
In your head you duffus

Whoa whoa, who are you?, why are you in my head?, are you real, wait are you my brain or guardian angel?.

And I actually felt the voice facepalm
Am your wolf you idiot

Hearing this I smiled, Hy wolfie, am Aurora.

Am Cora, and please don't call me wolfie it sounds so weird.
I giggled lightly

Sure thing Cora, No wolfie.

Looking around properly I realized that I wasn't anywhere familiar, but the room was so pretty.
Cora do you have an idea where we are? I asked loudly

I don't, but we are safe, I don't sense any danger, and quit being loud am in your head girl, and also maybe you should look around.

Once she had said this the door opened slightly and a woman poked her head, "oh hy you're already awake" she stepped into the room and I stared at her in awe, to say she was beautiful was an understatement of the year, she had long black hair, and her eyes were so vivid blue eyes, they looked like the sky. She was tall and she has on a blue gown that complimented her eyes and showed her figure.
"Want it now?", "Huh, am sorry, what were you saying"

I heard my wolf groan, Aurora focus

"I was asking how you slept and if you're feeling too overwhelmed I can make you remember all that happened but that's if you want it now", she said, while sitting at the end of the bed, I nodded "yes please, I am quite confused". She smiled and placed her hand on my head "close your eyes dear" I obeyed immediately and behind my closed lids I could see all that happened, it was like watching a movie. "Who are you" I asked when she told me to open my eyes "am Celine, I found you at the edge of the forest, but other explanations will come after you've had your breakfast". I nodded and followed her out, but all the while she was talking I was seething inside and at the middle of this intense anger was hurt and confusion.
I bumped into Celine "am so sorry, I wasn't watching", I rushed to apologise, "it's ok dear child, I can tell you're lost in thoughts", we stepped into a room I quickly realized is the dining, two men where already seated so I shuffled nervously at the edge of the room, "please Aurora come in, I can assure you that you're safe", one of the men with blonde hair spoke.

He's right, I think they're good people Aurora.

So I went further and sat one one of the chairs.

Celine smiled at me and spoke up,"Aurora meet Vito and Tyler, my mates", and gaped at them, "mates, like the both of them are yours" the other man with black hair laughed, "Yes we her hers as she's ours", " but I thought you can only have one mate" he chuckled lightly "all will be explained with time, and am Vito" I nodded, Vito had black hair, green eyes and was huge, he looked like someone of a werewolf breed. While, Tyler had blond hair and grey eyes, almost silver, he was tall, but not as built as Vito, both both men were hot. "I'll be sure to tell them that" Celine said with a smile while ringing a tiny bell, I lowered my head, while blushing furiously, I guess she knew what was thinking.
Soon, some women came in carrying all sorts of food and laid them on the table, once the food was well arranged, Celine looked up at me and gestured with her fork, "do dig in, and ensure you're full before stopping". And I did dug in, I sampled the pancakes, bacons and omelet and others, I was practically rushing and probably looked like a wolf feeding for the first time.

Don't rush, you don't wanna choke and die do you?

Hearing my wolf I realised that she must be hungry, but I wasn't sure on how to feed her.

Don't worry about that, you always eat for two whenever you feed.

Well that's a relief.

When I was filled, I looked up to find them staring at me, Celine and Tyler with a smile while Vito had a dark look, and I shivered under his gaze, "how long were you mistreated" he asked, his voice deeper. "Not now Vito" Celine murmured, "am curious also my dear, I think it's time we know all about her" Tyler said. Celine sighed and looked at me, "it's ok dear, we just want to know about you and why you were in the forest so late". I started at my hands, I wasn't sure I wanted to recount all that had happened to me,and I wasn't sure what their reaction will be.

Do it Aurora, tell them about your past

Hearing Cora's encouraging words, I sighed and looked at C
Celine's blue eyes, and strangely I felt calm, and I began

"It all started when I was little..."

AURORAHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin