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I rolled my eyes as I sat with my friends on my bed "seriously guys I'll be fine. It's just a training spar not a death fight".

Mary gasped "do you know who you want to fight with? It's Theo we're talking about, he trains with Rex, Mark and your brother".

I raised my brows "and?".

Dave scoffed "and his freaking strong and you seen his body".

I rolled my eyes again. They've been like this since morning and I still find it funny. They don't even know why we're sparring in the first place.

At a point Dave suggested I apologise to Theo for whatever I did to piss him off but I just rolled my eyes at his comment.

With the amount of times I've rolled my eyes today am surprised am not dizzy or my eyes aren't stuck in my head.

"Are you even listening to us?" Kate asked. I nodded dumbly with a smile.

"So what did I say?" She asked with her brows raised but I laid back in my bed with a huff.

"Guys please it's okay. You guys are worse than Liam you know?"

Dave frowned "speaking of Liam where's he?", I shrugged "dunno".

A knock on my door made Mary jump six feet up and I laughed, I swear the girl acts like she's the one who's about to fight.

Opening the door I saw Liam outside pacing "what took you so long to open the door?". Chuckling I gestured for him to come in.

The moment he stepped in Dave stood from the bean bag "tell your girlfriend to stop this nonsense and apologize to Theo".

Liam grunted "I wish it was that easy". Smiling I pecked his cheek "what time is it?"

Neil checked his phone "still an hour more". Liam pulled my hand "that's why am here, do you want to go through any final training just something to warm you up?".

I shook my head with a smile "no I don't". Neil's eyes widened "what do you mean no. I saw Rex and Theo training. You need to train a bit".

It's fun that they underestimate us. Cora snickered rolling her eyes.

Yeah it is. I chuckled.

What do you say we make it worse before the fight. Cora suggested.

I smiled. I know just what to do.

"You guys want me to warm up right?", they nodded eagerly.

"Promise you'll sit still and not disturb or complain?" and again they nodded.

With a smirk I clapped excitedly "then get comfortable, am about to warm up"


As we made our way to the training ground I couldn't help the smile on my face. Neil glared at me when I giggled but nothing could stop the sounds.

Let's say my idea of warming up was outrageous. Well according to them it was.

"Seriously girl how is a game of chess a way of warming up?" Neil asked groaning.

I smiled "well I don't know about you but it warmed my brain up"

Liam glared at me but I shrugged "are you guys mad because I beat you all?".

"It was just luck" Dave grumbled.

"Yeah pure luck and I won each of you twice" I snorted. Kate pouted and kicked a stone.

I laughed loudly and so hard "you guys are sore losers".

Liam smiled and me then pulled me close giving me a kiss "nope you're just too smart".

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