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Hey guys, above is a picture of Liam.

Yeah he's hot, and he was a badass in Teen Wolf.



I turned to the sound of my name and froze for a moment, recovering quickly I smiled back.

"I've missed you guys" Luke stated the moment he got close to us.

School was over, so the guys and I are at the parking lot talking before I head for practice.

"Hy Luke"

"Xup dude"

"Long time"

"Did you meet any hot guys in Tennessee?", this was asked by Dave and we all laughed.

Looking closer at him I frowned "Luke you look tired, tough week huh?".

"Yeah, was busy all through" he answered.

"What were you doing exactly?" Neil asked.

"Some stuffs I needed to do and..." but he was cut short when his stomach suddenly growled.

Kate laughed and handed him her sandwich she didn't eat.

"Thanks Kate, was in a rush to see you guys before I head for training"

We stood and catched up, well it mainly Dave recounting all incident that happened while Luke was away. Including my so called moment with Liam.

This seem to catch his attention immediately, "well I don't think Liam's a bad guy but am just wary of him, he's different".

I studied him, "and how's that?"

Like shrugged, "he's different from the rest of us"

I raised my brows at him, wanting to ask more but I didn't, from the emotions I could pick, he was scared of Liam, which was certainly weird. I mean they're both assassins.

"Well I have to head out, I'll see you guys after my practice" I said to the guys.

"I'll keep your dinner" Mary said. I smiled at her gratefully "thanks Mary".

Getting into my car I drove to the pack house, and headed to the training ground.

I wasn't even close to our spot when I got a text from an unknown number.

Training's cancelled for today

And why's that


Ok then but how did you get my number

I'll see you tomorrow by 5.

I rolled my eyes, well at least I get to have more work done in my house.

Luckily the route I take to my tresshouse is among the places without a camera.

When I got there I got to work immediately.


I stared at my treehouse with pride, I was done. Well not completely, I was yet to do the roofing but I was done.

I wanted the branches and leafs overhead to serve as my roof so the roofing part would be done with a spell.

Sitting on my hunches I concentrated and tried to balance my powers, when it was done I started the spells.

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