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I banged my hand on the desk creating a huge dent in the middle, "am certainly not going anywhere", "Aurora please you need to think this through", "there's no thinking through, am not ready to face them yet", "Aurora Cora Knight you're going and that is final" and I stared at my parents in shock.

Okay, I'll take you back to all that's been happening to me since I was found over two years ago by the Knight family. They had done a lot for me, way more than I expected and even went ahead to adopte me so it was only natural I changed my name from Micheal to Knight but with time I started calling them mum Celine, dad Vito and dad Tyler. Tyler told me to stay for a year before going back to school although I was going to be homeschooled but during that year, I under went my training, and the training ran from Martial arts, swords, guns,  even archery and honestly it wasn't an easy feat, especially when the mate bond gave me hell during the times my former mate Rex would be with someone else, fortunately Vito taught me how to block and tune out the bond so I don't feel any pain, he had been pressuring me to accept Rex's rejection but I didn't, I wanted to see his face when I actually did. And there were times I nearly gave up but when I remembered all that happened to me and my new parents I couldn't, especially after Celine made me see some of their memories that was in relation to their various rejection. After the year was up, I enrolled in the human school, at first it was weird being in the midst of humans without them knowing what I was but with time it was easy for me to blend in. Unlike my former school I wasn't ridiculed here, on the contrary I was quite popular and all but certainly not the head bitch of the school, I kept my straight A's, although that wasn't hard due to my powers and I also excelled in sport and other extracurricular activities. At home my training still continued, I was definitely faster, stronger, smarter and more powerful than before, I had also learnt how to hack and manipulate computers and with my unusually high IQ, I could solve any problem,  I could even hold my own against Vito and Tyler at once without struggle and they were really proud of me. Mum Celine had been teaching me some magic and I could cast some spells, I remember the one time I used my new found magic to cook and it actually turned out great. Each year on my birthday, I always felt an increase in my powers, Celine attributed it to the gift of the moon goddess and said that my power will reach it's peak on my 19th or 20th birthday. Overall, all I did was train, read, ate, and trained some more, Vito was always trying to get me to attend some school parties or go out more but I was always in the clearing or the combat room, I felt I still had a lot to learn if I wanted revenge and I didn't want to be half baked when the time comes.

But when mum Celine got the info from someone that my former pack wanted to merge with another pack, which turned out to be dad Vito's old pack, I knew the time was here but I wasn't ready which brought us to this current situation, dad Tyler and Vito, mum Celine and I in their office.

I sat down on the chair with a huff, "am not ready to face them yet, what if I fail, all our plans could be in vain", Celine walked round the desk and stood close to me "no baby you won't, you have trained and excelled more than we thought was possible, you are ready, I know you're scared but I trust you can do this", "it's ok flames, we'll be in contact with you every week" Tyler said, "but don't miss us much so you can concentrate" Vito joked and we all laughed. Celine stroked my head, "if these two packs should merge, they'll be unstoppable especially if they keep creating their warriors". The warriors in this case are genetically enhanced werewolves who were created for killings, so  destroying the joining of this packs, will lead to the end of the creation of this assassins. We found out about this when Celine felt a shift in the atmosphere when she had gone to the mall a year ago, she had seen one of them, so she called Tyler who hypnotized the werewolf and he became our informant, he told us all we needed to know about the creation of these assassins. And if you're wondering what the big plan is, it's simple, go back to my old pack and wreck havoc of my choice so long it leads to a dispute that could put an end to the binding of both packs. It would be fairly easy to return to my former pack since they didn't know if I was alive or not, and dad Vito's old pack had demanded that all members be accounted for so that we could be given some kind of Id for recognition outside the pack.

I looked at my parents face, the look of pride and encouragement was all I needed to make up my mind.

What do you think Cora?

We can do this girl, we've got this, they have to be stopped at all cost

Looking at Celine's blues eyes eyes, I nodded "am ready", Celine kissed my cheeks and strode back to her seat, "the official Id will be given next two months and at the end of the month you turn 19, so you're to leave before your birthday, maybe a week or two early, so you don't arouse any suspicion when you get there. I've gotten your school's paper work sorted out, so you'll finish up high school there, same as your peers. We'll be in contact with you weekly and if anyone asks on how you survived, you'll say that you stayed at a human shelter,and fended for yourself but decided to come back and reacquaint yourself with your pack, since the pack law says that when one turns 19 outside his or her pack the person is considered a rouge. But remember Aurora, you're to be nice but not too nice though, and stay under the radar, think and act with a clear head not anger filled". I leaned back on the chair, it all seemed easy and I hope it turns out right, all I want to do is make them proud and give ourselves the revenge we all want.

"when do I leave?"

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