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Liam's POV

I let out a little groan as I massaged my forehead trying to lessen the rising headache. For crying out loud we've been at this meeting since 4am and it's currently 11am.

Xavier was getting irritated and I knew it was only a matter of time before he explodes.

The Alphas, enforcer Michael, Maxwell, Nathan, Mark, Damien and I are currently in the Alphas office discussing yesterday's event.

We've gone through every camera footages and scanned the pack territory. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What was most annoying was the fact that the wolf didn't have a scent. Not even a little. It was going on a wild goose chase.

"So what's the next step?" Damien asked, Maxwell sat straight "how about luring this wolf out?"

"And how do you propose we do that?. We don't know anything about the wolf or what it wants, so how do we lure it" Alpha Stevens asked. Maxwell rubbed his jaw, then released a breath "that's true, none of it's appearance is related to a significant event".

I turned to Damien "while you were close to the wolf, what could you sense?"

Damien looked to be thinking for a while before he answered "Anger. Pure intense rage, I was actually worried it would snap my neck". He shuddered at the memory "But the question now is why it's so angry".

I scanned Damien, he still looks shaken up, good thing he wasn't hurt. It did be a shame to have a young Alpha and enforcer in the hospital at the same time.

"Is there anything in history that talks about an Alpha Red wolf?" I asked.

Enforcer Michael shook his head "none that I know of. But this wolf is an exception, it's dominance is something I've never felt".

Alpha Stevens nodded "it's the second time it made us submit, and its very obvious the wolf was holding back yesterday"

"And I don't think the third time will be pretty" Mark spoke for the first time.

We all turned to him "what do you mean?" Maxwell asked.

Mark shrugged "that wolf doesn't seem friendly. When we first heard it's howl, it's was outside our pack border and it was filled with anger, then it howled right in front of us again in pure anger. And you just said it now, it was holding back, so the third time it might not howl in warning, it could just decide to go on a killing spree"

"Yeah it had a mini killing spree yesterday, we lost seven people". Nathan added

"And there's nothing that can link us to that wolf. We don't even know why it's angry at us. Other packs I've contacted haven't had any encounter with the wolf" Maxwell said.

Alpha Miguel shook his head "well as usual we're at a dead end. I think we should stop here and get some rest. We'll meet up by 4pm"

"How's Rex and Theo?" Mark asked.

Alpha Stevens growled out "they're good but they're not healing". I tilted my head "what do you mean they're not healing, how bad are their injuries".

Maxwell shook his head "Rex has little injuries but his hands were dislocated from the joint and his spine was broken at the middle. Theo on the other hand might not survive, his face was smashed, his bones broken and other injuries"

Now that's our mate, Xavier chuckled.

Yeah but how did she manage to give them these injuries and come out without a scratch.

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