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AURORA'S POV (Previous chapter)

I stared at the history teacher as he blabbed on about some ancient Greek history. I wasn't really sure why today felt off but it was getting to me.

And to top it off Cora has been quiet and restless all day. Thinking maybe one of my friends were in danger, I linked with them during class but they were all good.

Hy girl how about we pay Luke a visit. It's been long and we could go for a run. I said in hope it would ease her a bit.

She perked up. Hell yeah, wonder when you would ask.

Do you wanna talk about what's bothering you? I asked tentatively.

I just feel weird and all. But I'll be good when we get to see Luke.

I smiled. Then let's ditch school.

Hallelujah. Cora howled.

Chuckling I stood from my seat and walked to the teacher putting on a sad face. "Umm sir please do you mind if I excuse myself to the nurse's office?".

He only waved me off and went back to his babbling.

Getting to the nurse's office, I frown pouting my lips and groaning. The nurse looked up and walked to me.

"Oh dear what's wrong?".

"Good morning ma'am, please is it okay if I leave, I don't feel too good" I mumbled groaning a little louder.

"Do you want to head to the hospital I can call the doctor ahead"

I shook my head wildly then groaned and held my head "no please, I hate hospitals, they always bring bad memories. I'll just need some painkillers and rest".

"Okay dear" She hastily went to the cabinet and took out some drugs. I cautiously glanced round noting the camera was directly in my line of view so I kept up the sick act.

When she handed me the drugs and a sick note, I thanked her and slowly walked out. Strolling out I linked with my friend that I need some air and space for my assignments.

Getting outside the school I contemplated taking my car.

We have to stick to the sick act so no driving. Cora advised.

Huffing I continued my slow walk out of school grounds.

While walking I came across a guard and I immediately went back to my sick act.

"And why aren't you in school?" he inquired. I showed him my sick card "I got excused, I don't feel good I thought a walk by the creek would calm me" I answered softly masking my emotions.

The man smiled at me gently "I'll escort you there myself" nodding I smiled back "that would be nice of you" and we walked on.

We need to ditch this dude. Cora grumbled.

And I know just what to do.

Does it involve killing him. She asked excited.

I rolled my eyes. No, am sure he has linked someone about seeing us. I'll just get him to leave by distracting him.

I waited till we were almost at the creek before going to the open mind link. And sending a message.

Someone's been standing outside the border for a while. I plan on approaching them but I need help here at the Eastern border.

Some guards responded and the man walking me offered to go.

He turned to me "I'll leave you here, I have work to do". Smiling widely at him I nodded "thank you sir, am sure I can take it from here".

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