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"You're back?", "Yes Rex, I am", I replied with a smirk.

"It's alpha Rex to you" he growled.

I tilted my head slightly, "of course alpha, sorry I forgot the title", still smiling I waved at my so called siblings and Mark.

Mark cleared his throat, "where have you been all this while, we've searched for you and came up with nothing, you just disappeared and everyone thought you were dead"

"As you can see, am obviously not dead beta" I replied shrugging my shoulders

"So where the hell where you", this time it was Rex and it was obvious he was pissed, his loud voice attracting a small crowd

Flicking my wrist nonchalantly "well if you must know, I shuffled around abit, not staying in a place for too long, I basically lived in human shelters"

"Why the hell would you live in a human shelter, why didn't you come back, do you know how long I've been searching for you"

I raised my brows at him,

I wonder who pissed in his cereals this morning, Cora scoffed

It's the mate bond acting, his wolf still wants us, I can't wait till we reject him, he's gonna act like a wounded puppy around us.

"Well alpha, I was comfortable there so it was no big deal, am only here to reacquaint myself with the pack so I don't become a rouge"

"What's the noise all about", I heard an all familiar voice asking.

The crowd gave way and I smiled, coming towards the podium were my so called parents, and Rex's parents, followed by a man,a lady by his side and three teenagers consisting a girl and two boys.

"Mummy, Aurora is back", Lisa spoke for the first time.

To say that they were shocked would be an understatement, dear old mummy looked like she ate a cow's dung, while father looked like he had seen a ghost.

That cause they thought you were dead, stupid wolves, Cora mumbled

I could feel the thick tension in the air but chose to ignore it by taping my boot on the podium softly

Sensing the tension the man who walked with my parents, cleared his throat loudly, "I am Miguel alpha of the Luna pack, this is my wife Sofia, and my kids, Nathan, Kassandra and Neul. And who exactly are you?"

Bowing slightly, "Aurora Knight", I said in response

I could hear the crowd murmuring among themselves, it was obvious that some people recognized me or my name even when I had changed my surname, while others who I guess were from the Luna pack didn't know me.

Father wasn't too pleased with my short answer but he spoke up when no one did, "well give her a room so she can rest, no need to keep her standing" and with that he left with his entourage.

When they left, I turned to Mark who handed me a key, "you're in room 124, and your free to decorate your room as you please. There will be a grand assembly by 8, it's mandatory".

"Thanks beta", I winked at him, the action causing him to open and close his mouth like a fish, but it seemed to annoy Rex because he growled loudly.

"Well, if you've been hoping from one shelter to another, does this indirectly mean you hop from one man to another?, That's obviously how you could afford such car", this comment came from Lisa, and I heard some laughter.

This people never change do they?.

"Of course not Lisa dear that's your trade mark remember, besides it would be heartless of me to put you out of your business" I countered sweetly. A hush fell over the crowd and I smiled.

"What did you just say to me?", Lisa stepped forward with a glare on her face,

I think she should step back, the bitch's stench is gonna make me throw up

I chuckled as Cora gagged and this seemed to enrage Lisa more

Turning to Rex, "If that's all I would head to my room now alpha", he's only response was a nod.

But from my peripheral vision I saw a girl walking towards me, and she looked pissed, I noticed Lisa smiling and Mark had a smirk on his face, as soon as I heard her heels on the podium I moved swiftly to the left at the same moment she swung her right leg forward and kicked the thin air, due to the force she had used, she fell face first on the podium earning a huge laughter from the crowd.

I looked down at the culprit, "oh Hi Jenny, nice to see you too, and by the way your ass is on display", with that I strode towards the building, but halfway across I stopped, turned to Rex and facepalm.

"Shit, I almost forgot something alpha Rex", he seemed confused at first but recovered quickly, "And what will that be".

I smiled widely, "I Aurora Knight reject you alpha Rex Stevens as my mate", at my statement he fell to the ground and with that sight in mind I continued my walk to the building, his loud growl and scream making me laugh, .

At least he screams like a baby.

Entering the house I noticed that it was actually renovated and it seemed a lot bigger than it looked outside, the structure was totally different from the way it was when I left, so am guessing the pack house was rebuilt.

Looking round I realized I didn't know my way around, so I walked up to a girl who stood on the hallway her full focus on her phone, I coughed to gain her attention and it seemed to have startled her.

"Hy, please can you direct me to room 124?"

She ran her hand through her hair and nodded, "it's on the fourth floor, just take the elevator, it's down the hallway but if you want the stairs its out back".

Nodding my thanks, I decided to take the elevator. The ride to my floor didn't take long and soon I was standing before room124, rolling my shoulders I opened the door and stepped in.

The room was fairly big but bare, the only furniture found was the bed, dresser, a table and chair and the walls were painted in pale milk.The room was in need of serious redecorating, thank the goddess I was given the free reign. Thankfully the window gave me a view of the forest and I could see the garage also, which meant I could see my car.

Huffing tiredly, I dropped my suitcase on the floor then laid on the bed, I felt so tired so I decided to get some sleep before the huge meeting. Setting an alarm on my phone for 7pm, I closed my eyes and in some minutes I was asleep.

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