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It was barely morning and the sun wasn't out yet. I stood at the conner of the tree house observing Luke.

He looked tired, miserable and weak.

How I love his look. Cora cooed.

I chuckled softly. I can't wait to start torturing him.

Yeah, especially now he has no wolf. Cora snickered. But when do we start?.

Soon Cora. Soon. I promise.

I can imagine her rubbing her paws and licking her snot. Giggling at the image I decided to alert him of my presence

"Do you know that you stink?"

Luke screeched like a girl when he heard my voice, he began looking round before he saw me "And I wonder why?" He scoffed.

"Took you long enough to notice me, I wonder why?"

"Because I turned off my bitch radar"

I laughed loudly and released his cuffs and chains. Setting the food I brought on the table I sat opposite him.

"Eat you're gonna need your strength".

"How can I be sure you didn't poison it?" He asked sniffing the food.

"Luke if I wanted you poisoned I have my claws for that" I deadpanned.

He stopped and stood up harshly only to fall down, "my wolf, what have you done to my wolf. What happened to Dex?".

I shrugged "he was gonna be a nuisance and I hate burdens. Am surprised you didn't notice sooner"

Luke growled at me. Well a human version of growling.

"Did you kill him. I swear Aurora am going..."

"Do what Luke. There's nothing you can do. You don't have a wolf again remember" smiling lightly I picked an apple and took a huge bite. "You should check within" I said chewing slowly.

After a moment he breathed heavily, sat down and began eating.

"Am surprised you haven't asked how your mate is faring" I said causally.

Luke choked on his food and began coughing loudly, I just sat there eating my apple and watching him.

When he managed to calm himself I frowned "why didn't you take long. I was enjoying your suffering".

He glared at me "well you're going to wait for long because a simple choking won't kill me".

I smiled "of course you won't die by choking on your food. Am gonna kill you myself"

He gulped and continued his eating. After a while he raised his head "am sure Rex is doing fine. Unless you're making him miserable".

I raised my brows at him "I meant your mate Luke, not your crush".

"Rex is more than a crush" he growled out.

"Yeah sure whatever floats your boat" I snickered.

He slumped on his seat "how did you know Lisa is my mate?".

"She told me" I stated simply. Luke gaped at me "that's not true, she would never do that".

I cocked my head "and why's that?"

"Because we haven't even spoken about it or even considered being  mates".

I stared at him in disbelief "you don't consider being mates Luke. The moon goddess paired you two, so what the hell are you two considering?".

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