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The hall was silent, waiting for either one of the Alphas to speak. After a while Alpha Miguel stood and cleared his throat "Good evening everyone, am sure we all have questions about last night's incident".

Immediately murmurs arouse from the crowd. Raising his hand, silence ensued again, "your questions will be answered after a run down of our findings is given".

He sat down while Maxwell stood, clearing his throat "the wolf that attack our pack last night is obviously a dangerous wolf, one that is strong and deadly. We believe it's from a rival pack and this same wolf is probably responsible for the disappearance of our own pack member Luke".

He looked round the crowd before speaking again "from now henceforth we will be more cautious, don't go out alone, avoid lonely and secluded places and try to link with your friends constantly when you're alone. Like I said earlier, this person or wolf is deadly so if you find anything suspicious or feel threatened don't hesitate to notify someone from the mind link"

My father stood "there will be a mandatory training on Saturdays. No one should be found absent except children, pregnant women and other excused people."

"Now you can ask your questions?" Alpha Stevens asked.

A hand went up immediately, giving her the go ahead she stood "does this mean that a war is coming?"

Alpha Stevens shook his head "no, its obvious that whatever rival pack against us doesn't want us merging. There were quite some packs that I rejected their merging offers, I guess some weren't too happy about it".

She nodded and sat down. Another hand went up "how many casualties from last night's incident?"

"Unfortunately we lost seven people. Six men and a woman, their families with be greatly compensated" Father answered.

Another hand went up "so what's the next step?"

Alpha Miguel sighed "we should be on alert, from last night's incident you can tell that the wolf is able to mask it's scent, so you need to be report any suspicious person, friend or not"

A guy stood up Immediately "are you saying that we have a mole in our midst?"

"No,am saying we should be careful and vigilant" Alpha Miguel answered. "Any more questions?"

A man stood up to ask and I smirked.

Let's get this party started, let's feed them their worse fears. Cora snickered.

Concentrating deeply I ventured into the head of the man standing, filling his head with screams and gory images. He stopped talking and held his head, letting out a loud scream.

Maxwell who was already standing, hastily walked down the podium towards him, halfway to meeting him I stopped and ventured to a woman who was at the front row.

Since she was mated I filled her head with images of her mate, dead and his body covered in blood.

She screamed and held her head, standing she looked around frantically probably searching for her mate.

"My mate, someone please help my mate"

The next was a man who was worried about his pregnant mate, smirking I began filling his head with images of his mate dying at childbirth.

He held his head and began growling.

Looking straight at the podium, I saw Alpha Stevens frantically trying to calm some people.

Wanna play with him a little? I asked.

Hell yeah. Cora howled.

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