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Liam was pacing in my room and running a hand through his hair, I could feel that his wolf is also restless. Looking up at him I glared but he rolled his eyes and resumed his pacing.

I sat placed my hands on my lap and tilted my head watching him. "You know if you keep pacing you're gonna wear a hole in my room".

With a huff he sat on my chair "am very pissed Aurora" I rolled my eyes "and why exactly are you pissed?".

"Because of what happened. You could have been hurt or worse killed, I still don't even know why Rex jumped into the fight. And Maxwell even restrained me. The fight was totally unfair" he grumbled in a breath.

Did this dude even see us fight. I muttered.

Cora chuckled. Am pretty sure he did. He's wolf is pissed but not for the reasons he gave.

Folding my hands across my chest I glared at him "you didn't even congratulate me for winning and here you are grumbling like a kid who didn't get dessert". Standing I walked to him and plopped on his lap "now tell me, why exactly are you mad?".

"An sorry, it's just that am pissed and Xavier is pissed. You were really good out there. Am still surprised with the fight but I can't help but worry. And Maxwell, that piece of shit stood by and let you fight an alpha".

I rolled my eyes "but my opponent and alpha are in the hospital. So what seems to be the problem?" I asked confused.

He trailed a hand down my face "Alpha and Luna Stevens are going to hate your guts. Theo's girlfriend is going to hate you more. But Maxwell..." I tilted my head "what about Maxwell".

"Maxwell wants you to join the warriors".

So that's why he's so mad. Damn am mad too. Cora growled

Playing ignorant I frowned "is it a bad thing". Rex glared at me "don't, please don't even think about joining. Somethings are not as they seem"

Yeah we know that, Cora muttered.

Speaking of that, we haven't gone through the file. I grumbled.

Well we need to soon. The ID ceremony will be next week.

"Okay then, besides I had no intention of joining. Fighting is not my thing"

Liam stared at me "yeah it isn't and you nearly killed two werewolves. How did you do that, you didn't even undergo serious and intense training"

I shrugged "guess I was really pissed that they would change my favorite trainer plus the chess match helped".

Liam kept staring at me like he was trying to figure something out. From he's emotions I could perceive he has some doubts.

In order not to lie to him I stood up yawning widely and stretching my body, Liam stood as well with a frown "am going to leave you so you can rest"

I nodded with a smile, "yeah I need it, my body aches"  walking him to the door he gave me a short kiss "goodnight mate".

"Night mate" I giggled.

The moment I shut my door the smile vanished from my face. Sitting on my chair I powered up my laptop

Let's get to work on that file.


I stared at the lake before me trying to calm my rage and it was proving to be difficult. After a while the red hue around me faded and my vision began to clear a bit.

I was pissed furious angry, just name it all.

This pack is a joke. How can the Alphas be so cruel.

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