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I entered the training room surprised to see Aurora's friends seated in a circle. It was noon and early this morning Neil had linked me that they needed to see me for something urgent.

Seeing them still with their backpacks, I'm guessing they left school for whatever it is they needed me for.

And the reason they want to meet up is still unknown to us. Xavier grumbled.

On seeing me they all stood, I strolled to where they were observing that the training room was empty.

Noticing my wandering gaze Neil shrugged "it's always empty at this time till school closes for the day. I figured it would be the best place for us to use".

"Use for what?" I asked confused. "Training" Mary clapped excitedly.

I glanced at them and from their emotions I could tell they were dead serious.

"Why do you guys want to train?", I asked still confused.

Mary tilted her head "Incase you don't know, we're not fully stable in the art of fighting and all".

Dave shrugged "we know it's sudden and there's probably little time to get used to it all but Aurora is our friend"

"And she needs our help, we need to be prepared for anything and everything that will come our way" Kate continued.

"So we need you to train us, from what you said last night it's obvious there's gonna be a war or at least a huge fight. We need to be able to stand by your side and fight for our friend" Neil finished.

Well that was heartwarming. Xavier snickered.

I glanced at each of them "did you guys practice this?".

Mary let out a laugh and Dave scratched his neck trying to hide his pink cheeks.

"Yeah we did, Dave had us practice it for two hours till we memorized it" Kate chuckled. "Hey at least it made us sound cool" he defended.

I nodded with a smile "I know you guys see Aurora as your friend and a member of your clique..." "Team, we're a team not a clique" Mary piqued.

I raised my brows chuckling "okay, I understand that she's a member of your team but this isn't just a little misunderstanding that can be settled amicably. This is different and much more serious than it seems. You would be at war with half the pack".

They glanced at each other with a matching smirk on their faces  before chorusing "we're in".

"Wanna tell me why you guys are on this, apart from Aurora being a member of your team?".

Neil shrugged "I've had it with this pack, we need to be reformed and I can tell that this is going to be the gateway to the Reformation".

I nodded in understanding, they might not know all that was going on but it's obvious they're not dumb enough to overlook some things.

Are you gonna comply or not. Xavier groaned.

I looked back at her friends who were goofing around with some weapons.

I certainly am but I don't know how Aurora is gonna react to this or what she's gonna think about it.

Why don't you let her decide that for herself.

Smiling I walked to them, plucking a sword from Mary, "let's start with the basics before weapons".

"So what are the basic things we need to know?" Kate asked looking round.

AURORAOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora