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The moment I woke up I was instantly alert. I could hear the hushed voices of my friends, Damien and Rex.

Where's Liam, Cora pouted.

Ignoring her I focused on their voices, I could hear the doctor telling them that I was recovering well so they were free to leave but Mary insisted on staying till I woke.

The doctor left and all hell broke lose.

Damien was shouting and blaming Rex, my friends were trying to calm a raging Damien and understand how it was Rex fault I was in the hospital.

Oooh well this is nice, Cora snickered.

Deciding to put an end to their shouting I thought back to the day our house was intruded, this led to an increase of my heartbeat.

The loud beeping of the monitor was enough to alert them. Mary and Dave were at my side in an instant.

"Please stop shouting" I croaked out.

Damien glared at Rex one last time before coming to me. And he looked like shit.

Infact they all looked like shit.

"What happened?" I asked.

Mary was about to answer but her lips began quivering and she suddenly started crying.

I was at loss, looking at Neil I raised my brows.

"You've been out for two days Aurora".

What the actual fuck.

It's not my fault, you said we should go to sleep plus I really needed to hibernate, Cora grumbled

But two days is quite a lot.

At least they think that whatever happened to you was serious, you should thank me Missy.

I rolled my eyes at her, thanks girl.

Turning to my friends I cleared my throat, "can I have some water?".

Damien rushed and got me a cup of water and a straw. After drinking I laid down again.

Patting Mary's hair I tried to console her, "it's okay am safe now".

She sniffled and hugged me soon the other were included in the hug. With Damien and Rex standing at the side.

The doctor came in and broke our hug "The Alphas, your parents and Maxwell will be here to ask you some questions, if it gets too much you can always stop okay".

And I nodded "thanks doc"

When he left I turned to Rex and Damien "what exactly happened, how did I get here and where's Luke?".

Damien and Rex stared at each other before Damien answered first,

"Liam found you at the entrance of the pack house and alerted us. You were missing on Saturday and no one could find you or Luke. We tried mind linking Luke but it came up blank. And when Neil tried linking you he was hit with pain and fear. That was when we knew you guys were in danger".

I stared at them and started crying, Kate began rubbing my arm and Dave stroked my hair, till I calmed

The door burst open and my parents stormed in, thankfully they kept their distance. The Alphas and Maxwell walked in.

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