The Damage

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no one's pov~

"What are you trying to say?" Hopper asked sitting in the hospital room, while Billy was still unconscious.

"Well you're not going to believe this, but mister Hargrove over here, his heart started beating for a few minutes. That hasn't happen in any of the tests before these past months. Now I don't know if or how this is possible but,..that girl. When she held his hand, his heart started beating, and stopped when she let go..." The doctors says, reading over his notes. 

"You're telling me that this Adams girl, made Hargrove's heart beat?" Hopper looked at him doubtfully.

"I mean are you really surprised, with everything that happened in this town, not to mention the Hargrove kid. We have to keep it as a possibility. She could help him. I've also noticed that the boy is quite protective of her. Are they close?" The doctor asked. Hopper groaned and rubbed his eyes.

"From her expression when we told her the truth: not likely." Hopper said, looking at Billy.

"Well the boy certainly thinks so. His mood changes when she's around. His sister claimed he was always a violent one, but when he's with her, he seems to calm. If she's a factor to controlling his behavior, this can help significantly. This can potentially keep the town safe, and give the kid a chance at somewhat of a normal life. The girl needs to stick around, and be in close proximity with Hargrove."The doctor finished.

"I can't just force her to do that." Hopper says.

"Well if you don't, I'm sure he will." The doctor says pointing to Billy.

The door opened and Steve ran in. "Veronica's gone. She stole my car keys, and left." Steve says.

"What do you want me to do? Arrest her?" Hopper says sarcastically.

"No, but she's not supposed to be driving. She could be anywhere." He says nervously.

"I'll call the guys at the station to look for your car. Call her friends to see if they have seen her." Hopper says and walks outside to go call the station in his police car radio.

Steve runs towards a public phone and dial's Nancy.

"Nancy, it's Steve. Have you seen Veronica?" Steve asks.

"Veronica? No why? Is everything okay?" Nancy says on the other end.

"Uh no, not exactly. We told Veronica the truth, the whole truth, and she freaked out and took my car and took off. I don't know she could be." Steve panicked.

"Oh gosh, you told her? Well maybe she just went home." Nancy said.

"No she hates it there. That would be the last place where she wants to be right now.  I'm going out to go find her." Steve says.

"Okay, call me when you found her, I'll come over." Nancy says then hangs up.

Steve dial's Robin's number.



"So you told her?" Robin asks as she picks up Steve from the lab. "God, she's going to be so pissed with me for not telling her." She said.

"Yeah how do you think it went for me, I'm her cousin. When she saw Billy..we had to come clean." Steve looks out of Robin's car window.

"What now?" She asks.

"We drive around town and find her. Start with my car, if we find it, she's close bye." Steve says shoving his hand forward. Robin's grip on the steering wheel tightens.

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