The Next Day

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Veronica's Pov~

It was dark outside, and I couldn't see an inch in front of me. I realized I wasn't wearing any shoes as I could feel cold, hard pavement. I slowly and cautiously walked forward, not sure of my surroundings. I held my hands out in front of me to feel around. Finally my hands came into contact with a fence. I trailed my hands over the fence until I found the entrance and slowly walked in. Bright lights turned on and I raised my hand to cover the light while squinting my eyes. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I started to put my hand down, but stopped to look at it. I raised my other hand closer to my face, and saw that both hands were covered in a mix between blood and a black substance.

 "Ugh." I groaned out disgusted, as I wiped my hands on my clothing. Then I noticed my clothing. I was wearing my floral slip dress, and it was also covered in blood and the black goop. I went to look for something to clean myself with, when I finally noticed my surroundings.

I was at the Hawkins pool. It was empty. I slowly walked around the pool and to the locker room. The lights were on.

Then one of the showers turned on.

"Hello." I called out, walking around the locker room to the showers. I cautiously opened each curtain until I reached the last. Slowly I grabbed the shower curtain and tugged it open. No one was there. I got into the shower and rinsed my hand and dress wanting to get the substances off, but they weren't fully coming off, and I was left soaked. Suddenly a static noise came on and the water became cold, no the whole room became cold that the water started turning into ice, and I could see my breath. I quickly turned the water off, and started to look for a towel. When I turned around, I was met face to face with Billy. I was so cold that I could barely let out a gasps.

Billy looked down at me with concern, and came closer, into the shower with his arms hovering over my form.

"No!" I shouted, and ducked, dodging his embrace, and crawled under the space that led to the shower. Billy followed me as I made it to the next stall, and tried to grab me, but I kept crawling, until I made it to the last stall and jumped out, and ran out of the locker room.

"Veronica!" Billy's voice yelled from the locker room. I ran back to the pool area and tried to leave, but entrance was now locked. I began to shake the fence door hoping it would budge.

"Come on, come on. please." I whispered, but it wouldn't budge. Hearing that Billy was getting closer I hid underneath a lawn chair. I could see Billy walking around the pool. He kept getting closer and closer. As he began to walk by the chair that I was under, I held my hand over my mouth, which is now probably covered in blood and black goop. I saw Billy's boots walk by the lounge chair and held my breath. He walked passed me,but he stopped a few feet, and was turned away, and began..sniffing the air? 

I took this as my chance, and quietly crawled out under the lounge chair, and tried to run, when I was tackled and fell into the pool with Billy, I sobbed in fear, but it was muffled by the sound of bubbles. Luckily Billy lost his grip on me, but he was not far away. Billy swam closer , trying to get a hold of me. I struggled to swim up to the surface, and when I made it, I gasped for air.

Billy submerged from the water and I flared my arms trying to make my way across to the edge. I knew Billy was a better swimmer than me, so I made sure to splash water in his face to hold him back. 

Billy grunted in annoyance. "Will you stop that!" He shouted

I made my way to the edge and struggled to lift myself up, scrapping myself in the process. Finally with a burst of strength, I heaved myself out of the water and ran to the fence. I began climbing it , and threw myself over and stumbled down a hill with bushes and twigs. 

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