Face to Face

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so I'm most likely going to write an Eddie Munson story. I think you could guess what it will be about.

to clarify the party is still in middle school because I don't want them to grow up yet :(

Veronica's Pov~

The week had passed slow yet too soon. It was painstakingly slow because I was stuck in a cabin all week and only had a preteen science experiment to talk to until Robin and Steve would stop by after work.

The week went by too fast in that it was now Sunday and I would go back to school tomorrow, having to face Billy and Nancy.

My father's funeral was on Thursday. Hawkin's government handled everything. Many people showed up to it. Apparently my dad had many friends from work and the country club of the elite golf and tennis players. Local reporters were there taking photos and recordings. Many of Hawkins' citizens showed up to because nothing interesting ever happens in their lives.

Hopper made sure to hold a reserved section near the plot where only close friends and family members were allowed to be. Robin was able to stand next to me however, as Steve was behind me, and his mother and father were standing on my left. Uncle Harrington had his hand on my shoulder for support as my aunt was crying her eyes out. I could see familiar faces in the crowd. Officers were set up around us to make sure no one would try to get too close, and by no one I meant you know who. 

I could feel his gaze on me. It wasn't until I caught site of Max in the crowd that I saw him. Max made eye contact with me and frowned, as if apologizing. It was the first time I saw the redhead in a dress. My eyes blankly shifted towards the ocean eyed boy. He was wearing a black jacket with a black button up shirt and charcoal jeans. How dare he show up to my father's funeral! His eyes looked pleadingly into mine, but I coldly turned my gaze away, and ignored him for the rest of the service. 

As the service ended, I walked up to my father's casket, it was closed and no one was allowed to see the body (or what Billy and the fire had left behind),while reporters were recording. Hopper threatened the press to back up and then escorted me to his car and I left before anyone unwanted could follow.

On Sunday night I lay in bed, thinking about everything. Eleven had been on the phone with Mike, when Hopper started yelling at them to hang up because it was a school night. I closed my eyes, but I didn't fall asleep until a few minutes passed. 

When I woke up, I was back in the dark place again with only the reflection of myself in the dark water could be seen. I heard footsteps behind me, and I began to panic fearing it was him. But when I turned around I saw that it was Heather again.

Something about her seemed different this time. She didn't look mad nor happy, she just looked emotionless.

"I'm sorry." I whimper, "I-I had it. I had the tape, but the Chief is a part of it. He's trying to cover everything up. But I swear I won't let them win.I promise." I say. Heather raises an eyebrow.

"I knew you wouldn't be able to pull it of." She said, rolling her eyes.

"listen, I didn't ask for this to happen to me. My life was completely normal before he dragged me into this." I argue and she waves me off.

"You wanna complain? I'm dead, Ronnie, okay. Stop whining and suck it up." she says, causing me to suppress my sobbing. Heather sighed, crossing her arms.

"Your dad is right. You can't do anything right." She says, causing my mouth to gape open.

"My dad?" I asked, shocked. She nods her head.

"He said he's really disappointed in you and your choice in boyfriends." She somewhat smirked. That sounds like him.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I shout defensively, and Heather scoffs.

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