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El and Max were in El's room, reading magazines, when a large bang was heard from outside, and the front door of the cabin opened, following clumsy footsteps of someone stumbling to walk across the living room.

"Hey" A drunken voice drawled out from beyond the other side of Eleven's bedroom door. "Hey I said leave the door open three inches." The Voice of Jim Hopper, chief of police barges into the bedroom in a drunken state. Expecting to see El, his adopted daughter with Mike, he sees El and Max lying on the carpet floor with magazines in hand looking up at him.

"Um, do you knock? Jeez." Max says to Hopper, who now sobers up. El following  Max's lead, saying,

"Yeah, J-jeez."

Hopper looked shocked to see that his daughter wasn't with her boyfriend,but yet with a friend.

"So uh. What's going on here." He said looking down at El.

"Max wanted to have a s-sleepover. Is that okay?" El said looking for confirmation from Hopper.

Surprised, Hopper responded,"Yeah, Yeah!..yes. I'll just be out here." he said before leaving. The girls continued with their sleepover.

"let's play spin the bottle and you can spy on the person with your powers!" Max said, grabbing an empty bottle and putting sticky notes around the border of a board. El and Max  sat on the bed and El spins the bottle landing on Mr. Wheeler. Max scrunched her nose up. "Do it again." El looked up at her and said,

"Break the rules?" Max smiled at her before saying,

"We make our own rules." Then El spins the bottle again, this time landing on Billy. Max hands her the blindfold.

"Okay, I just want to warn you. Billy's weird, so if you see anything gross just get out of there quickly." Max said as she watched El put on the blindfold and sit down. Suddenly her nose began to bleed and then then she stumbled on the ground, lifting off the blindfold  with a gasp. 

"What is it?" Max asked concerned.

"Billy is with a girl. She needs help.I think he's hurting her."El panicked.

"Now wait a minute.There's gotta be a reasonable explanation for this. Billy brings home girls all the time." Max rationalizes.

The two girls went to check Billy's room the next day.

"He saw me. Something isn't right." El said.

"Well you said Mike can sense you sometimes. Maybe Billy just.. sensed you."Max kept reasoning.

"But the screams." El argues back, concerned.

"Here's the thing. When Billy is alone with a girl, they make like really crazy noises." Max says looking at El as she gave her a confused look. 

"They scream?" Asks El, not understanding.

"Yeah, but like..happy screams."Max hints.

"Happy screams, what are happy screams?" El asks.

"I'm just gonna lend you my mom's Cosmo." Max gives up explaining as they head inside her house and into Billy's room.

"Why do I get the feeling we're gonna find all kinds of wrong in here?" Max says disturbed upon entering his room. When she tries to look through his nightstand, she finds stacks of playboy magazines, and closes it in disgust. 

When they get to his bathroom, El points out the melted bags of ice in the tub that she saw while spying on him, but Max claims that Billy probably uses the ice to soothe his muscles since he works out like a maniac. Then El looks at a blood stain on the sink door and opens the garbage bin under the sink, finding a lifeguard fanny pack and a bloody whistle. 

This disturbs the two girls who go to the Hawkins pool to see who the items belong to. They find out that they belong to Heather, but she hasn't showed up to work all day. The two find a photo of Heather, so El can find out where she is. El and Max go to Heather's house and hear laughing only to find Billy dressed up, sitting at the table with Heather's parents.

"Max, ?" Billy lets out an eerie smile.

"Who is this dripping on my dining room floor." Heather's dad asks.

"I'm sorry."Billy apologizes to Heather's family. "This is my sister Maxine." Billy says getting up to stand by the two girls.Max gives Billy a "what he fuck?" expression in his drastic change in behavior.

"And I'm sorry I did not quite get your name." He says looking towards Eleven.

"El." She responds simply as Billy repeats her name in satisfaction.

"Where is she?" El asks, darkly.

Billy pretends to be confused. "I'm sorry, where is who?"

"Heather." El replies.

"Who wants cookies. Their fresh from the oven." Heather appears into the dinning room. "Why were you looking for me?" Heather says with a fake polite yet confused expression.

"We heard from your manager that you and Billy hadn't shown up to work today." Max gives a quick explanation to not seem suspicious, and Billy plays along.

"Heather wasn't feeling too good, so we took the day off to nurse her back to health, but she's feeling better right?" Billy signals to Heather, who emotionlessly nods.

"Much better. Cookie?" She holds out a tray to the young girl.

"We should get going." Max says.

"let me walk you two out." Billy says with that big eerie smile, As the girls leave, Billy or the mind flayer, watches El, recognizing her being the one spying on him.

Then the phone rings, and heather'smother answers it. "Hello? Hold on one second." Heather's mom turns to her daughter, "Heather it's for you, your friend is calling." She say, signalling for Heather to take the phone, but Heather nods her head dismissively. 

"Now's not a good time. I'll call her back later." Heather says and looks to Billy. Heathers mom makes up a lie that Heather can't come to the phone right now and hangs up.

Later that night they drug and knock out Heather's parents and make them hosts to the mind flayer. 

Meanwhile, Will informs to the party that the mind flayer is back, and El says that she thinks Billy is infected by it.

As they watch Billy the next day at work, noticing that Billy is all covered up.

"Please don't be you, Billy." Max pleads, but finds out her answer when the group locks Billy in the sauna of the pool locker room. The mind flayer hates the heat and Billy seems to be suffering from it also. Veins appear all over his skin as he cries out for Max. 

"He made me do it! Max please! He made me do bad things, but I didn't mean them."Billy cries. Max comes closer to the Sauna door in pity. "Please Max!"Billy cries.

"Who did,Billy?" Max asks.

Billy tries to collect himself. "I don't know, he's like a shadow,like a giant shadow. Just please get me out." Billy says as he holds a shard of glass behind him.

Max gets closer to the door, but Will feels the sensation on the back of his neck indicating that the mind flayer is conscious, and Mike realizes this, looking back towards Max.

"Get away from the door!" Mike yells, and Max backs up, as Billy smashes the small window, the glass in his hand trying to aim at Max.

"Let me out you bitch!" Billy yelled, until he finally rammed into the door hard enough to unlock, but El sent him flying back with her powers. Billy recovered quickly, chocking El, and Mike hit Billy with a pole, as El used her powers again to send Billy flying, knocking down a wall, landing outside. Billy got up and ran away to the Steelworks, where Heather treated his wounds.

"She could have killed me." Billy says to Heather, scared.

"Yes, but not us." Heather said as they looked over at all the other people infected by the mind flayer.

a/n: okay so the majority of season three will be short and rushed because you all should know what happens in season 3 already, and after about two more chapters is when the fun really begins. 

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