Back to School

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Billy's ocean blue eyes that now held black and blue veins in them, opened wide. 

"Max!!Max!!" Billy screamed out, struggling in attempt to get out of his mess of tangled bed sheets. Sweat dripped from his forehead and chest as he panted, the black and blue veins forming across his body. Max ran into his bedroom and hushed him, trying to calm his panicked state.

"Shh, Shh, Billy. It's just another nightmare. You're okay." Max said and she put her hand on his cheek. After a few minutes, Billy's pants had come to a pause. "Better?" She asked. Billy shook his head.

"Yes, thanks. I'm sorry, Max." Billy groaned, now sitting up in bed, rubbing his face with his hands. 

"It's fine. You've been through a lot..changed a lot." Max said sitting on the bed next to him, giving him a sad smile.

After the mindflayer, a lot of changes occurred. Joyce decided to move away from Hawkins with Will and Jonathan, causing him and Nancy to split. All of the hosts of the mindflayer, had died along with it, except Billy. The whole town knew partial truth of the many deaths on July 4th, 1985. Billy's existence was a curious case. Billy was no longer exactly human, he had died, but came back, but was undead. Billy had no heartbeat nor pulse. He was weakened by the sun and the heat like when he was the mindflayer's host, but he no longer was one. On top of other conditions, Billy had an animalistic side to him, and had cannibalistic tendencies, which Hopper tries to maintain. Hopper has been supervising Billy to make sure he does not harm any other Hawkins citizen. Part of the Hawkins lab was rebuilt and relocated for research. Billy also had to go to these scientist and be studied weekly. The town believed that the people who had died were host of a terrible virus and that's what those who knew the real reason left it at. Although the town rationalized these events, the Hargrove boy was the town's new urban legend, an undead creature of some sort. Many feared him. September had rolled in and the group of teens and kids had stuck together after these events.

"Do you think you could give Lucas and I a ride to school today?" Max asked. Billy just nodded, getting up, reaching through his night stand, and putting a plain white shirt, and dark blue jeans. "Great thanks. Mom went to the store, and Neil went into work early, he said he's picking up some extra hours, and will be home late tonight." Max said, getting up and leaving his room to go back to hers and get dressed. Billy sighed. His father and stepmom knew of his 'condition' and were terrified of him, but yet his dad was still an ass to him, and saw him as a disappointment. Once he finished getting ready he went downstairs and made a quick breakfast for him, and Max. Usually, with his new condition, Billy had an uncontrollable hunger and the oddest cravings, but today he was too down on himself to eat much. Max came down shortly after, and ate with him before leaving the house with him, and going into his now repaired Camaro. Billy stopped at the Sinclair's to pick up Max's boyfriend.

"Hey Billy, how you doing?" Lucas asked getting into the car, and wrapping his arms around Max in a hug. 

"Fine" Billy said gripping the steering wheel. Max rolled her eyes.

"He had another nightmare of being controlled by the mindflayer." She said then whispered so Billy wouldn't hear, "He's still having issues adjusting." Billy growled in annoyance, as Lucas gave sheepish smile having no clue how to respond at first.

"We're here for you man. Remember that." Lucas said, but Billy said nothing, and drove off to school. On the way there, he looked in the mirror and saw Lucas and Max laughing and whispering to each other while Max was in his embrace. Billy wanted to know how that felt like. Once Billy parked into the school parking lot, Lucas and Max headed out of the car and to the middle school. Max turned to look over her shoulder.

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