Saved My Life

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The next week Veronica exited the girl's locker room with her gym uniform. The boys were playing basketball while the girls either were cheering or sprinting around the gym. Veronica rather run laps than cheer today (I was a cheerleader ;):/ ) Gym class wasn't her favorite, but she was athletic. She just hated being around sweaty teenage boys that would stare at her revealing gym uniform.

She ran a few laps before paying attention to the game. Billy was in the game. And it's as if he was on his own team, because he wouldn't let his teammates touch the ball. It looked like he was winning too. Veronica now noticed just how strong he was, as he merely shoved the opponents away, they were sent flying back nearly ten feet. When Billy jumped and scored a basket, the coached whistled, and Billy stopped, sweat dripping down his body and he was panting heavily. As Veronica continued to run, Billy turned towards her and caught her eyes. When Veronica's eyes met Billy's, her running slowed down to a jog and then a slow walk before stopping as the girl's coach blew her whistle.

 Veronica's eyes were frozen to Billy for a few more moments before she went to the girls locker room. Veronica needed to get away from his gaze. After stripping her uniform off, she took a quick shower, and changed into her regular school clothes. Before exiting the locker room, she clutched her fist and closed her eyes. She lingered by the front doors of the gym while most of the girls were still changing or on the bleacher's waiting until the game was over.

"Hargrove keeps looking over at you." Said Carol, coming from behind Veronica. Veronica jumped and turned around.

"Hargrove?" Veronica asked, until Tommy showed up next to Carol.

"Billy Hargrove. The big, scary guy that is somehow still alive even though he shouldn't be." Tommy whispered to Veronica. Veronica thought about Heather and how she had, had a crush on Billy before she died. It wasn't fair that Heather and her parents had died while Billy was the only one to survive. 

"Aren't you his friend?" Veronica raised her eyebrow. Tommy smirked, wrapping his arm around Carol. 'Wasn't he Steve's age? Did this guy stay back or something?' Veronica thought, but resisted the temptation to mention it. 

"Not anymore. The guy's a monster. I mean he died and came back to life! That's not normal, and now he's Hawkins' dirty little secret. It's his fault Heather died you know." Tommy slightly whispered, afraid Billy would hear as he would occassionally look over at the group. 

Carol nodded in agreement, as Veronica looked straight forward at the game still going on.

"He even admitted it was his fault, Heather died, he knew he was sick and got her sick like an std. Yet the chief of police didn't even arrest him." Carol gossiped.

"That's because they're all afraid of  him." Tommy said, but Veronica still kept her gaze on Billy.

Billy saw the girl..Heather's friend, various times throughout the week. In the hallway, in the gym, in the school parking lot. He couldn't get those olive colored eyes out of his head. It was september, but it was still unusually warm for Hawkins. Even though it was still early in the school year, high school parties were thrown every weekend, and Billy was invited to not one of them. 

Although Steve was no longer in high school, he decided to throw a party at his house to a select few. Robin and Veronica entered the gate to Steve's backyard with supplies for the party. Steve ran up to Veronica and grabbed a chip bag out of her full arms and opened it. 

"Thanks." Veronica said sarcastically referring to Steve's lack of help. 

"No. thank you." Steve grinned shoving his face with chips, as Robin rolled her eyes.

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