Trick Or Treat

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Billy played music on the radio, as he moved to the beat, smiling. He's speeding down the street and looks back at Veronica. Veronica's eyes are wide as her frame is still squished to the car door to make as much space from Billy as possible. 

"We're picking up my sister Max and her friends." Billy gave her a big, toothy grin to try to make her relax, but it only made it worse. 

Finally, Billy parked outside the Wheeler's house. Billy got out of the car and walked behind the car.  When Veronica no longer saw Billy's form near the car, she sighed in relief. 'At least I won't be alone with him the whole night.' Veronica thought, but just then Billy opened the door on Veronica's side who was clinging onto the door, squealed as she fell out of the car.

 Before she fell to the ground, she was caught in Billy's arms and brought to her feet. Billy gave her a smirk at this, and Veronica tried to get out of his grip, but he didn't give in. He guided her to the front door of the Wheeler house with his arm wrapped securely around her  waist. 

Billy rang the doorbell and Mrs. Wheeler answered the door again. When Karen Wheeler saw Billy with his arm wrapped around her daughter's friend, she felt awkward, and gave an equally awkward smile.

"Billy, Veronica. Hello.." Karen drifted off, looking between the two. Billy's grin never leaving his face spoke,

"Hello Mrs. Wheeler. Is Max and the others ready to go?" 

"Oh yes." Karen turns her head to the living room. "Kids your ride is here!" She says before looking back at Veronica in Billy's grip. "Veronica, you must be looking for Nancy, right?" Karen asked.

"Actually, she's with me." Billy's grin grew. 

Veronica remained still, as Karen looked at her in bewilderment. She knew Karen would tell Nancy about this, Hell the whole school knows about this by now. 

"Oh.That's... nice." Karen gave a fake smile as the kids passed her through the door frame.

She yelled out. "Be safe." Then closed the door.

Billy turned around with Veronica in his arms towards the kids.

"Guys, you remember VeRonIcA from Steve's party. She's going to spend the night with us." Billy said. Veronica did not like the way her name rolled off from his tongue. The group of boys mumbled a 'hi', seeing the discomfort in the poor girl. Eleven and Max were smiling while looking over Veronica, and Max stepped forward.

"Hi I'm Max. I'm happy to properly meet you. Billy talks about you non-stop. He won't shut up. He's like obsessed with you." Max said as she playfully rolled her eyes, and Billy playfully pushed her behind him. 

"Okay, your all getting older. How about we do something else tonight. " Billy tried to switch subjects as his face lit up in embarrassment.

"Oh we can go to haunted house." Mike said.

"What's that?" El asked.

"It's a building where people dress up to scare you. We should go to a haunted corn maze." Max said and the group agreed mostly so the guys could comfort and act brave in front of the girls, which Veronica did not like.

"Alright, sounds good." Billy smirked

Everyone squished into Billy's car. During the car ride, Billy rolled the windows down. Max took an exaggerated inhale through her nose.

 "You smell that? Cow shit, like what Billy calls the girls in his school." Max smirked at Billy, who glared at Max, before looking back at Veronica who wasn't amused, but neither surprised at his behavior.

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