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Warning graphic and gore up ahead.

No one's pov~

"If you want what's best for my daughter, then leave her alone. I've heard about you, Hargrove. You fuck every girl around and never settle for any. You even fuck women old enough to be your mother. Your family must really be fucked up for you to screw other people's mothers. We don't need that type of people around this family." Mr. Adams spits out in disgust and goes to slam the door, and again Billy holds open the door, and slams it backwards into the wall, glaring right in Mr. Adams face.

"Get the fuck away from my house!" Christopher Adams shouts. 

"What if Veronica was to end up with someone like me, and she was happy?" Billy growled.

Mr. Adams grimaced at this.

"What if she did?" Billy repeats.

"Get out!" Mr. Adams says.

"Answer me!" Billy yells. Nicole  walked away further into the house. 

"I'm calling the police." Nicole shouts before going to the phone.

"Answer me." Billy says again, but this time threateningly.

"I would never allow that to happen." He says.

"It's her life, shouldn't she choose what makes her happy?" Billy asks.

"She can be happy with someone with class." He spits out. "That what's best for her."

"Best for her or for you?" Billy asks, and Christopher doesn't make eye contact with him. After a few moments, he doesn't reply and Billy nods his head.

"I get it now." Billy nods, wide eyes in realization. He reaches out his hand and grabs Mr. Adams head, slamming it against the wall. Blood begins to seep out of his head and nose. Nicole, on the phone gasps, and tries to get Billy to let go of Chris.

"Get away from him!" She shrieks attempting to throw punches at him. Billy turns around towards her, and grips her wrist with one hand and throat with the other. He slams her down on the floor and hovers over her body. 

"You know. I'm really hungry, starving. You're food didn't satisfy me, but you will." He says and bites into Nicole's shoulder. She screams. Billy Begins to take bites all over her body, then Nicole yells at Mr. Adams to help her, but soon her screaming comes to a complete stop. Mr. Adams holds onto the wall to balance himself. He shrinks back when Billy stands up, and sees the remains of his wife. Billy walks back towards Mr. Adams, as he wipes the blood and flesh from his mouth.

"What the fuck are you?" Mr. Adams asks, disgusted, as Billy licks his teeth. Billy looks straight into his eyes.

"I don't know." He says.

"You stay away from me and my daughter, you beast." He shouts trying to make a run for the door, but Billy grabs his arm tightly.

"I love your daughter, Mr. Adams." He said again tightening his grip on Chris arm, leaving bruises.

"I won't accept that." Mr. Adams shouts. 

"I know."Then Billy squeezes his arms tighter till he hears a snap. Mr. Adams screams in agony at his now broken arm. Billy holds up the broken arm up to his lips.

"I'll take good care of her." Billy says then bites into his arm. Mr. Adam screams, but Billy quickly retracts his mouth from his hand and moves to his jugular, biting down. Mr. Adams screams last for a few more minutes and Billy eats a few more of the remains then cleans his mouth so he won't freak out Veronica when he finds her. 

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