Settling In

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Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I've updated, and I really like this story too. I would update more frequently, but life gets in the way. I had this chapter as a draft since last year, but I added a lot more since then.

Veronica opened her eyes to a dark room. Realizing that she was already standing up, she stumbled a bit. Had she been sleepwalking? 

"Veronica!" a voice shouted.

She gasped and looked around the darkness. The shout repeated again? 

"Hello?" She called out, "Who's there?" 

"Veronica!" The voice said again, but now she could hear which direction it was coming from and walked towards it. 

"Veronica." The voice said again, but this time it sounded familiar. She finally saw a tall figure facing away from her that made her sigh in relief. She began to excitedly run towards the voice in the dark room.

"D-!" She started, but when she got two feet away from the figure, it vanished. 

She gasped as she suddenly felt a presence behind her. She turned around quickly and gasped as she saw Billy towering over her. Her eyes widened and her breath hitched.

"Veronica!" His eyes filled with concern. 

They hear a large growl and Veronica gasps in fear. At this, Billy grabs her wrist pulling her towards him, when something pulls her backwards, before letting her go. She screams and begins to fall as the floor opens into a dark abyss. Billy tries reaching out to her, but it's too late and she falls into the darkness.

Veronica's body jerks as she lands with a thud on the bed. She lets out a gasp of air that she had been forced to hold, and sits up. Steve, sleeping on the floor, wrapped in a blanket and still half asleep lifts his head up.

"Wha-What happened?" He asks then slowly begins to awaken. "I heard a loud  thud. Are you okay? Did someone break in?" He says now stumbling out of the blanket and sitting on his bed, checking her for injuries. 

She shoves his prying hands away.

"I'm fine Steve, it was just a bad dream." She said rubbing her eyes.

Steve sighed before laying back down, now on the bed. 

"What time is it?" He mumbled seeing it was still dark out.

She looked over at the clock on his nightstand 5:25 am. She says and he groans. 

" Hopper says he'd call me in the morning to let me know what time to bring you over to town hall. He's going in to the station first to sort you records and sign some papers with that doctor. Go back to sleep, it's going to be a long day." He says laying his head back down at the foot of his bed. 

With that Veronica got under the covers and laid back down, staring at the light coming from the window, before once again, she succumbed to sleep.

Veronica woke up a few hours later to Steve gently shaking her.

"Ronnie, hey wake up its 9:05. Hopper called. He said we could head to town hall now. I figured we could stop by a diner and have breakfast first" He said. Veronica nodded and stretched her limbs, getting out of the covers. She went to the bathroom and brushed her hair and teeth before,  putting her clothes from the night before on. Once the went in Steve's car, he drove off to the nearest diner, where they had a quick breakfast. 

Meanwhile Hopper got ready for the day. He took a shower, and put on his uniform. Soon after Eleven woke up, and went into the kitchen to put eggos in the toaster.

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