He Gets Flayed

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Some changes from the tv show and background info for the story, so no one will comment that this isn't what happened in the show. 1.Billy, Veronica, Nancy, and Jonathan are still in high school in this. This is the summer before their senior year, and only Steve has graduated, for the purpose of being a full time mom. 

2. I'm not adding certain events and characters in this other than the main ones, which I'm leaving some scenes out. 

 3. Nancy,Jonathan,Hopper, and Joyce will enter later on.

4.Billy lives, shocker yes, and he's going to be out of character, just to warn you ahead. 

5. This story will definitely be more dark and twisted, and I shouldn't have to state that as a writer,you can write disturbing context in stories, but that doesn't mean I support any of it in real life. Fiction is fiction, don't confuse it with morals in real life.

6. Again this story is very supernatural and crazy, unlike any other stranger things story I've seen, so it might be crazier than you expect it to be. 

story starts here:

Billy was checking out Karen Wheeler, swimming in the public pool. He knew Mrs. Wheeler was married and had children; Nancy even being his age,but he liked the thrill of how forbidden their complicated relationship was. He liked being a home wrecker, just like his father, and he loved how easy it was to get karen to swoon over him, as it stroked his ego even more. But love, no, Billy never knew what love felt like. Pure, unconditional love was never gifted to him, and he had wished that one day he would receive it,but he never had and have given up on the belief that there was someone out there that he would ever love unconditionally back.Billy, however was blessed with his handsome appearance. He knew he was a looker, which helped him get all the girls he wanted, leaving them brokenhearted once he got what he needed. Why should these girls feel loved if he couldn't, although no women really loved him for him, but just his looks. They never took the time to know how he truly is, nor would Billy allow them. Lust was his crutch, his drug, to numb the pain that he feels inside. 

He resents his father who  has never showed him the love he needed.He resents this town, for not having an ocean to stare at all day, he was far from California, his home. And to him, Hawkins had shit options in women,but the pool he picks from will be enough to satisfy him until he graduates high school and goes back home.

He gets off the lifeguard chair, "Perfect form, Mrs. Wheeler." He says,handing her a tower as she gets out of the pool and stands, facing him.

"Thank you, Billy."She smiles and blushes,taking the towel.

"You know with practice you'll be a great swimmer. I could teach you if you like." Billy says with a smile that had a hint of a smirk in it.Karen blushes harder.

"I uh, thought you  only taught children." She said. Billy takes out a stick of gum from it's wrapper.

"I teach a more private lesson to a select few. I can teach you how to do the butterfly and....Breaststroke." Billy said as he took a bite into his gum smiling, before chewing it.Karen gasps and accidentally drops her towel, and bends down to get it, while Billy follows and grabs it giving it back to her. "You ok?"

"Yeah.. I'm fine." she says as Billy continues to chew on his gum, taking a few breaks to talk.

" I know a great swimming pool at motel six that's very private. Shall we say eight o'clock?" Billy says smirking. Karen takes a deep breath, looking over at her youngest daughter and sighs.

"I can't." She says, looking at Billy seriously yet sadly. 

"Can't what? Have fun?" Billy says in mock innocence making Karen laugh, as he continues, "Mrs. Wheeler." He smiles showing his perfect white teeth."Come on, you a good swimmer, I guarantee you it will be the workout of your life." He says, cockily, as Karen smiles, nodding finally agreeing. Billy smirks, knowing he's got plans for tonight.


later that night Karen, gets dressed, and finishes her makeup, Nancy and Mike out, making it easier to leave the house. Looking at the time, she heads town stairs and reaches the door, when she turns towards the living room to see her husband,Ted, asleep on the couch with her youngest, Holly. The sight fills her with warmth and simultaneously guilt, and she therefore makes the decision to stay loyal in her marriage.

She doesn't show up to Motel 6 that night.

And neither does Billy.


Billy is speeding down the back roads of Hawkins in his blue Camaro,checking himself out in the car mirror.

"Oh hi Karen, it's nice to see you again." He practices smiling at the mirror, then laughs, when a shadow-like figure runs across his car, causing the camaro to swerve, run into the old Brimborn Steelworks. 

Getting out of the car, Billy flips out in anger, kicking his camaro. "fucking car!" He yells, then goes to the front to see that the front windshield is cracked, and notices a substance on it. With to finger he picks the sticky substance up to inspect, which he grimaces in disgust.

"What the hell?" he says confused, and then hears rustling behind him. He steps away from the car and walks towards the direction of where the noise is coming from. "Who's there?!" He calls out nervously, but no one answers. This time he collects himself to bravely speak out, "I said who's ther-" but before he can finish speaking he gets dragged by his ankles by a weird tentacle, flesh-like creature, rats running in the same direction he is dragged in, stumbling down the metal stairs of the steelwork factory, Billy holds onto the pole rods in fear that his life will depend on it, grunting in pain, but the creatures too strong.With a forceful yank, Billy lets go and yells as he is fully dragged down.


The creature or the mind flayer, has attached to Billy, his new host. Billy, terrified, bruised and bloody, makes it out of the steelworks factory, and stumbles to a near by phone booth, dialing 911, but stops when he see a flash behind him. Billy turns around and sees what appears to be him whisper incoherently. "I don't understand." Billy says confused, but the creature disappears, "What do you mean? I don't understand!" He yells scared, but no one responds. 

He runs back to his camaro, and drives to Motel 6, waiting for Karen to show up so he can tell her what happened, even though what had just happened to him sounds completely crazy and unreal. He needed someone to talk to, he felt alone and scared.

 If he told his dad, he probably wouldn't believe him, and would slap him, saying t grow out of these childish stories. 

Karen never showed up. 

Billy was hurt, but would never admit it.He took a shower and used a first aid kit in the hotel bathroom, before driving home. 

He sneaked into the house quietly, thankful that his father was asleep,along with everyone else in the house. He went into his bedroom, changed out his clothes and went to bed. A single tear came down from one of his eyes, as he once again felt all alone.

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