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It had been over a month since Veronica went to the hospital.  She woke up with stitches and a throbbing headache, but that was not the only thing she woke up to. She was shocked to see Billy Hargrove in the hospital room with her as she didn't recall the events that happened, but Steve brought it to her attention, that Billy saved her life. Nancy had also visited Veronica, and was in tears, numerously apologizing for her drunken behavior. She stated that she did not mean anything she said that night and never meant to hurt her. Of Course Veronica forgave her. 

When she thanked Billy, it was as if  a switch turned and she could not turn it off. Billy held the biggest and creepiest (according to Veronica) smile (you know that big toothy grin/smile in szn 3..yeah that.) whenever he saw Veronica, and he made sure to visit her everyday in the hospital. He  brought her flowers, and would hold her hand when she was asleep. Eventually he would hold her hand when she was conscious. Veronica felt nervous around Billy, and wanted to pull her hand out of his grip, but resisted, since he did save her life after all. One day, Steve, Hopper, the kids, Robin, and Nancy, visited Veronica, and were shocked to see Billy holding her hand. Upon noticing the group's shocked looks, Billy just looked down at his and Veronica's intertwined hands and smiled. The x-ray's showed that she had a concussion but no other damage. 

After Veronica left the hospital, Billy would constantly be around her. When she was able to start school again she tried to avoid Billy as much as possible. She did not want the attention and the spotlight that Billy held. Whenever Billy would try to talk to her, she would disappear into the crowd. 

Today was Halloween and the last period had ended. Billy was looking around for Veronica, becoming annoyed that he couldn't find her. While walking the hall, looking for the brunette, he ran into Nancy.

"Nancy, have you seen Veronica?" Billy asked his eyes following the crowds of people. Nancy smiled at Billy's caring attitude towards her friend. 

"She just went into the parking lot. If you hurry, you can still catch her." Nancy said, smugly, and Billy gave a her a joking glare, before running towards the front doors and into the parking lot.

"VERONICA!" Veronica heard Billy call out her name from behind, but she continued to walk, until she made it to Tommy's car to see Carol selectively pass out fliers with Tommy.

"Hey, Veronica. Tommy's throwing a Halloween party at his house tonight at eight. You should come, and wear a costume." Carol said, as Tommy handed her a flier. Veronica heard heavy thuds of footsteps running up behind her.

"Sounds great." She says nervously, and as soon as Billy makes it to the group, Carol shoves the invitations along with Veronica's into her backpack. 

"What sounds great?" Billy asked while standing beside Veronica who tensed up. 

"I asked Veronica if she need a ride home with me and Tommy because we have a big history test to study for tomorrow." Carol said to Billy with a sheepish smile. Billy arched a brow

"It's friday." He said suspiciously. Tommy didn't dare to say anything, but he looked away with a smirk.

"It's worth a big grade. We thought we should start today." Carols said.

"It's Halloween." Billy countered.

"Well we have nothing planned and wanted to start studying for it right away." Carol rebutted, and Veronica quickly jumped into the back seat of Tommy's car, Carol and Tommy following her lead. Carol laughed as Tommy put the key in the ignition.

"Bye Hargrove." Tommy said teasingly and took off.

Soon Steve ran up to Billy, looking where the car took off.

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