Night Stalker

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good news I'm done with classes yay!! I also got acrylics which I have no idea how girls can type with and mine aren't even that long. so there might be extra mistakes in the chapters :/ anyway there's going to be some fun and crazy ideas for the plot in future chapters. here's a little filler chapter to warm up after being gone for so long.


Steve brought Veronica to his house. He brought her  upstairs to his bedroom and turned on his light. 

Veronica walked in after him, the bitter look never leaving her face since he took her away from the ashy remains of her house and the when Hopper had gotten rid of the security tape. 

"Sleep in here for tonight. I'd feel more comfortable if I can keep an eye on you. I'll sleep on the floor." Steve said as Veronica sits on his bed.

His parents once again not home, and he was wondering how he would have to explain Nicole and Christoper Adams' deaths to his own parents, whenever they get back.. He would use Hopper's cover up, yet he felt guilty for letting his cousin go through this. He wished he could have protected her from Billy, to go back in time and never invite him to his party back in September, and that he himself would have saved her from drowning instead. But oddly he knew Billy wouldn't hurt her-physically, but the poor girl was mentally a wreck as a consequence of the teen's behavior.

Steve sighed when she didn't respond. It was always her way of showing that she was upset at him.

"Ronnie." He stated as she looked away from him.

"Why?" She whispers.

"Why What?" He asks confused.

"Why are you on their side?" She asks, looking back up at him. Steve frowns down at her before sitting next to her on his bed.

"I'm on your side, Ronnie. We all are. You wouldn't understand. We're trying to protect you." He says.

"Not from him." She spits out. Steve doesn't respond at first, just stares at her, frowning. Finally he speaks.

"The more we try to protect you from him the more dangerous he becomes. But he won't hurt you I promise. I wouldn't let him, but even if I'm not here, he wouldn't. I've seen the way he looks at you." He says.

"Yeah he looks at me like I'm his next meal." She mutters and at this Steve laughs.

"It's not funny. The guys has single-handily ruined my life." She groans out annoyed, falling backwards on his bed. "And the bastard doesn't even go to jail." She says looking up at the ceiling, wiping her tears away.  Steve leans backwards on his bed looking over at her.

"Hey, your life is not ruined. You've been through pain and loss before and you made it, okay. You'll be fine." Steve reassures her. She looks over to her and he smiles at her, in which she frowns in return.

"Come on." He encourages  nudging her shoulder with a brighter smile towards her, and at this her frown fades and she laughs at him, returning the smile.

Then the hallway phone rings. 

"I'll get it. Why don't you get ready for bed." He says getting up and off his bed walking out the doorway. Veronica sits up and here eyes follow as he goes to the telephone.

Walking through the hall, Steve takes the telephone off the wall. "Hello?" He answers into the phone.

"Steve.." He could hear Billy's voice on the other end of the phone, who was using a public phone booth.

"BIL--billy what do you want?" Steve adjusts his voice and whispers so Veronica won't hear.

"I wanted to see know how Ronnie was doing. Why are you whispering?" Billy says, leaning on the door of the phone booth, a cigarette between his lips.

"'s late." Steve made an excuse, looking back towards his bedroom door.

"Yeah I figured you'd still be up." Billy said inhaling the smoke of his cigarette, looking around at the foliage of his surroundings. "I wanted to see how she's doing."

" Hopper said you shouldn't be near her for a while, she needs some space, man." Steve tried to says calmly, so not to make Billy mad.

"Okay." Billy said simply. Steve paused looking into the phone before responding.

"Really?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah... So how is she?" He asked.

"Well she tried to use her home camera tapes as evidence against you, but Hopper got rid of the evidence. She's pretty pissed." He said and Billy winced.

"I thought so" Billy says.

"She's getting ready to go to bed now." Steve says watching Veronica go into his bathroom.

"Oh so she's at your house." Billy states rather than asks, smugly. Steve pauses with his mouth open and eyes wide at his mistake

"" He says pathetically. Billy smirks on the other end, throwing his cigarette.

"*coughs* No, she's not here. Uh not with me." He says looking back down the hallway of his door and at Veronica who now came out of the bathroom, with a clean face, and brushes through her hair to get the tangles out. 

He walks closer to his bedroom door. "Actually Hopper did take her to his place, he thought she would be safer with him nearby, and he thought Eleven could help her feel better. Maybe cheer her up..S-so I don't know where she is." Steve rambles. 

"Where are you right now?" Steve asks Billy. It stays silent on the other end.

"Billy?" He whispers into the phone. "Billy!" He says louder into the phone. He looks through the house windows for signs of movement and runs to his room, the only room with the lights on in the house. He runs into the room and see's Veronica grabbing a t-shirt of his to change into. Looking over to the windows that look over the street. He pulls the blinds open to see Billy leaning on the window sill with a smirk on his face. Steve jumps back in shock, but stays quiet and then looks back at Veronica who seems unaware of the interaction between the two teenage boys. 

Steve gestures for Billy to leave. Billy almost knocks on the window, but Steve rapidly shakes his head threateningly yet silently to not get Veronica's attention. He looks back at Veronica as she goes back to the bathroom to change into his shirt. In response, Billy mouths 'let me in' and Steve mouths back, 'NO!', eyes wide, shaking his head. Billy knocks on the window loudly.

"What was that?" Veronica asks from the bathroom.

"Just me." Steve replies towards her direction before looking back at Billy. He opens the window.

"Go away!" He whisper shouts at him before shutting the window again. Billy gives him an annoyed look and the bathroom door starts to open. Steve shoos at him quietly. Billy raises an eyebrow, but backs away from the window. 

Steve brings down the blinds just as the bathroom door fully opens. Veronica walks into the bathroom wearing his t-shirt as pajamas. She sees his stressed out expression and furrows her brows.

"You okay?" She asks. Steve breaths out a sigh.

"Yeah. Let's go to bed."

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