The Evidence

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Veronica sat in a chair in the police station, as she peered into Chief Hopper's office. A scowl never leaving her face as she never took her gaze of Chief Hopper and Billy bickering.  They argued for a few more  minutes without interruption.

Billy leaned forward, gripping the arms of his chair tightly. 

"I don't understand why Veronica can't live with me." He said. Hopper gave him an incredulous look.

"Really you don't know why? Because you ate her fucking parents!" Hopper said sarcastically and then yelled out the last sentence, taking a seat in his chair and lighting a cigarette. Billy went to interrupt, but Hopper held up his hand to silence him.

" She probably can't stand you right now. She stole Harrington's car and got drunk just to get away from this-from you. She lied to you about her mother. She hit you. She doesn't even want to be in the same room with you never mind live with you." Hopper said, counting with his fingers.

"I did her a favor. Her parents were awful." Billy says, stubbornly.

"That doesn't mean you eat them!" Steve butts in. Hopper lifts his hand in Steve's direction.

"Exactly. Have some self control. She probably thinks you don't have any, and she's not completely wrong. The girl thinks she's next on the menu." Chief Hopper groans. Billy looks at him in shock.

"Okay, I screwed up, but I'd never eat her! I'll prove that she can trust me." Billy said, attempting to stand up, but Hopper leans down from his desk.

"Sit down." He says darkly. He takes a puff of his cigarette and rubs his face with his other hand. "Do you know, that you and I are in the same boat here? She knows you committed a crime, a very serious crime, and yet I let you go. We both have to gain her trust, but right now she needs some space from you to cool down." Hopper finishes. Billy's nostrils flare, and he looks at Max. Max nods at him, agreeing with Hopper's words. He turns back to Hopper, who has his attention on something behind him. Billy turns his head around, and through the doorway of Hopper's office, he see's Veronica staring at them with a scowl. Billy holds in the urge to wince then gives her a nervous smile and waves at her angry form before he slowly turns back to Hopper.

"Fine. But only for tonight then I get to see her tomorrow." Billy says crossing his arms over his chest. 

"No tomorrow we're signing the papers and packing whatever belongings survived the fire, you are not allowed to see her, until she's all settled." Hopper says, and Billy's lips form into a frown and his eyes narrow in a glare. Hopper and Billy stay in a stare down for a few seconds, until Max speaks up.

"Billy we should head home. Neil won't be happy that we're late." She says and this time Billy fails to prevent a wince from escaping.

"Get out of here Hargrove, you start training for work on Monday." Hopper says, dismissively. With that Billy stands up, follows Max out, making sure to pass Veronica. As he gets closer, he confidence falters and her scowl is replaced by a look of fear. Billy felt guilty, but he knew Hopper would have his ass if he went up to her, so he continued to follow Max to his car.

After a few more minutes, Steve leaves Hopper's office and walks off to the receptionist. Then a few minutes later, he comes up to her with a cup of water, a pill and a stack of paper. He sits in the chair opposite her, and gives her a reassuring smile. 

"Hey. I figured that you might have a hangover, so I got you some pills. Hopper says you can stay the night at my house, and we'll stop by your house to see if any of your belongings survived the fire. Robin said she'd take the kids home, so I just have to sign some paper work and then we can go."  Steve says. When Veronica doesn't say anything back, he frowns and gets up walking back into Chief Hopper's office closing the door. As soon as the door closes, the lights in the police station turn off. Veronica looks around and sees that the police officers and the receptionist are no longer in the station.

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