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Oakley awoke to the sound of Astrid's groans, coming from the corner of the room. She must have only been asleep for an hour or so.

Living alone for so long, night times were usually silent, making Oakley a very light sleeper.

She slowly rubbed her eyes and looked over to see the blonde viking shaking. She had managed to roll herself on top of all three blankets. Oakley gave a lazy smirk before heading towards the sleeping blonde, using her own blanket to cover her up. Oakley returned to her chair, blanketless. Thankfully, she was warmed by the heat of the fire.


A loud cry escaped Astrids lips, as her eyes flung open, sitting up so fast, the room began to spin, before scooting back. It was still dark, the fire was still lit, but beginning to fade. She assumed it was around 2am.

Oakley jumped awake at the noise. Her head spun towards the blonde viking who was staring at the foot of her bed, with wide eyes, gasping for breath.

'Astrid?' Oakley immediately ran to her side to comfort her, but hesitated, realizing that they really didn't know each other.

Astrid was never one to show her vulnerable side, most people didn't realize she had one. However, this was different.

She raised her hand out to the side trying to find Oakleys, her eyes still fixed on that same spot.

Oakley grabbed her hand and sat on the edge of the bed, above the blanket she had covered her with, tracing circles on the back of her hand with her thumb. Astrids skin was ice cold, despite the sweat dripping down her forehead.

'Bad dream?' Oakley whispered.

Astrid closed her eyes and nodded, still shivering, partly from the cold and partly out of fear. 'Sorry.' she whispered.

'Don't be.' Oakley reassured, tightening her grip on Astrid's hand. 'I know what it's like to get scared, Astrid.' Astrid looked away, feeling slightly embarrassed. 'And I get why you are trying so hard to hide it...'

Astrid tightened her grip on Oakleys hand.

'...You think fear is a sign of weakness...' Astrid looked up at Oakley. '... It shows your vulnerable side...' Astrid looked away again. 'Your secret's safe with me.' Oakley tightened her grip on Astrid's hand and used her sleeve to wipe the blonde's forehead.

Astrids could feel her anxiety lifting, knowing that her statement was true, after already being told Oakleys biggest secret, hours before. She had only met this mysterious girl a few hours ago and yet she felt as though they had known each other their whole lives. She couldn't explain it, but something about the secret Berkian, made her feel safer than ever before.

Nobody had ever seen this side of her and hearing her new friend telling her that she could be herself and not have to worry about judgement, caused a tear to roll down her cheek.

She loosened her grip on Oakleys hand and wriggled it free, before quickly turning to hug the brunette viking.

Oakley paused for a moment before returning the hug. She hadn't expected that reaction. She wasn't used to hugging, except Hiccup of course.

Astrid gently backed out of the hug, running her hands along Oakleys neck. 'You're so warm!' She stated, turning her hands over again and again.

Oakley giggled. 'Having fun there?' She had been asleep by the fire, plus having the power of heat came in handy.

'How are you so warm?' Astrid added, placing her hands on Oakleys cheeks, then forehead, then chest. Her fingers and lips still a slight shade of blue. She laid her head back against the pillows, curling up to Oakley.

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