Yes, Knucklehead.

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Hope you enjoy :)


'Oak...?' Astrid whispered as the dazed viking let out a pained moan, rolling her head away from Astrid, gently rubbing her eyes with the back of her fingers, before opening them. Her skin was white as snow, her lips blue, not a hint of color in her cheeks. Her hair was completely stained with blood, although it looked alot like Hiccups auburn hair now, with just a few patches of her natural color.

'Morning, sleepy head.' Astrid smiled.

Oakley gently rolled her head towards Astrid and smiled. A searing pain crossed her head and she winced in pain.

'It's okay, it's okay!' Astrid said quietly. 'I'm here.' She reassured.

Oakley slowly began to look around the room, she noticed a piece of paper on the nightstand and smiled as it came into focus. It was the sketch she had drawn of Astrid, meaning she could only be in one room, Astrid's room. She gently traced her fingers across the picture. Astrid gave a sigh of relief that Oakley recognized it.

The brunette closed her eyes and began to shiver. Astrid slowly let go of Oakleys fingers. The injured girl let out a small whimper, raising her hand and wiggling her fingers as much as she could. She almost seemed scared to be alone.

'It's okay!' Astrid slid under the blanket beside her. 'I'm right here.'

Oakley reached her left arm across her body towards Astrid, who gently took ahold of her and spun her onto her side, allowing her to place her arm across the blonde's abdomen. She was still shivering. While Astrids embrace warmed her a little, it wasn't quite enough. She had lost a lot of blood, so her body wasn't regulating her temperature as well as it should.

Astrid pulled the blanket up to Oakleys shoulder as she wriggled around, sliding her wrapped up hands under Astrids tunic, drawing the warmth from her stomach.

Astrid giggled, wondering whether Oakley was aware of what she was doing, or how much of it she would remember in the morning.

Astrid smiled to her mother by the door and nodded. The blonde woman smiled in return and left to fetch the young girls brother, as promised.

'Oak,' Astrid whispered as she looked down to see the young brunette close her eyes. 'Sweetie, you can't sleep.'

Oakley whimpered in protest.

Her eyes swung open as a wave of nausea hit her. She pressed her lips together firmly, Astrid could see exactly what was about to happen and wasted no time grabbing the bucket Gothi had left beside her bed. She was just a few seconds too late as Oakleys lunch had half missed the bucket, covering the blonde.

Astrid didn't care, as long as Oakley was okay, that's all that mattered.

Hiccup entered to room as Oakley finished heaving up her lunch.

'Oak?!' Oakley winced in pain at the sheer volume of her brothers voice.

'Shhhhh.' Astrid warned.

Astrid's mother took the bucket away to empty it as Hiccup made his way to the bed, sitting beside his sister, he remained above the blanket as he assumed his new metal leg would only hinder the situation.

Astrid gestured down the the sleepy girl, curled up beside her. Hiccup took the hint and gently rolled the girl towards him. Oakley moaned quietly and slid her arms out from under Astrids tunic and turned to nuzzle into the warmth of her brother, allowing Astrid to clean up and change her tunic.

'Don't sleep.' Hiccup told her as Astrid slid back under the blanket, now wearing a clean set of clothes. Oakley huffed and turned back over to Astrid.

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