Distress call

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StarGazer bulleted through the rain, tumbling as he reached the ground. Oakley had been thrown from the Stormcutters back, but that didn't slow her down for a second.

She quickly looked around before she finally caught sight of the young blonde, lying on her back motionless in the mud that had begun to form in the rain.

'Astrid!' She shouted, rushing to her side. She dropped to her knees.

She gasped in the sight of Astrid's mangled arm. She had clearly landed on her arm and rolled onto her back.

Oakley knew she had to get Astrid back to Berk, but she couldn't be sure of the extent of her injuries, meaning moving her could potentially worsen an already terrible situation.

She had some visible scrapes and bruises. A large gash across her left eye, blood soaking through her leggings just below her left knee, her right arm practically hanging off. It was difficult to see much through the mud she was covered in.

It didn't take long before she noticed Astrid wasn't breathing. She didn't hesitate and immediately started pressing against her chest, blowing into her mouth every few seconds.

'Come on, Astrid. Don't you dare die on me!' She cried.

'StarGazer, cover!' Oakley requested.

StarGazer immediately spread his wings to protect them from the rain as Stormfly found her way to the scene. She gave a concerned screech as she began to nuzzle at her rider.

'I know, Stormfly...' Oakley said calmly. 'But you need to back up.'

The Nadder looked at Oakley and then back down to her rider before taking a few steps back.

'Come on, Astrid... Please.' Oakley said losing her breath, still pressing against Astrids chest, her fingers slowly turning blue from the cold.

Astrid suddenly took a sharp intake of breath, but remained unconscious. Oakley, let out a sigh of relief. But, she wasn't out of the woods yet.

Oakley still couldn't move her without knowing just how badly she was hurt. She slowly lifted her muddy shirt, not too high, just high enough to see the large bruise spreading across her abdomen.

Stormfly slowly reapproached and began to sniff around her riders head before letting out a worried squawk.

Oakley gently placed her hand on the back of Astrid's head, before removing it to find her hand now cover in blood. Astrids blood.

'Okay...' Oakley shivered. 'That's not good.'

She carefully moved Astrids injured arm over her waist.

'StarGazer!' Oakley signaled. Her dragon took this as a hint and immediately bowed his head.

Oakley stood up, scooping Astrid in her arms. She positioned her on the Stormcutters back before mounting behind her and holding her in place.

'Come on, Stormfly.'

StarGazer quickly bolted towards Berk. Oakley tightened her grip on the blonde viking to prevent her from slipping. Before long, Berk was finally within sight.

'STORMFLY... DISTRESS CALL!' Oakley shouted through the storm. The Nadder quickly obeyed and shot into the air twice, to warn the riders back on Berk that they needed medical help.

Astrid shivered as the cold wind started to bite. Oakley leaned over her and held her close in an attempt to shelter her from the wind and rain.

'Gently Bud.' Oakley told her dragon as they landed in the center of Berk, where the riders had already gathered with Stoick, Lotus and Gothi.

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