Unhappy Birthday

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Oakley awoke to empty arms. She looked around at her friends, all sleeping soundly, but Astrid was nowhere to be seen. She went to Astrid's hut. She wasn't there. She checked the great hall. She wasn't there. She decided to check the treehouse.

She entered her hut to find Astrid sat waiting for her. A small package on her bed. A large box on her desk. Astrid took Oakley by the hand and lead her into the room.

'Astrid?' Oakley said questioningly.

'Shhhh...' She responded, stopping at the desk. 'I have something for you.'

She picked up the package and handed it to the confused young viking.


'I know, I know.' She interrupted. 'But I wanted to... So just open it!' She ordered impatiently.

Oakley did as she asked and opened the box to reveal what was inside. She froze and smiled before looking up at Astrid and back down to her gift.

'Astrid you did not...' Oakley beamed. Astrid let out an excited squeak.

Oakley slowly pulled the contents out, revealing the very outfit she had been designing. The main color was brown and black, with a hint of red. It had lots of buckles and armor, a small pocket in the sleeve for her dagger, a compartment for paper on the other with a black chest plate and shoulder pads. The right shoulder pad held the letter H for Haddock, her sleeve held the letter S for StarGazer and the buckle across her chest had the letter A. For Astrid obviously. The leggings had a few buckles too.

'What's all this about?' Oakley was stunned by how amazing this gift was.

'Well I know you have been working yourself to death lately and I wanted to take something off your plate and I knew how excited you were about this design. Plus you are going to look so good in that outfit.' She explained.

'Just when I thought you couldn't get any more amazing...' Oakley smiled. 'I love it, thank you.' She quickly pulled Astrid into a hug.

'There's more.' Astrid said breaking the hug. 'Go put your new outfit on first. Let me know if you need a hand.' She chuckled, knowing buckles weren't Oakley's favorite thing in the world.

Oakley giggled, hugging her once more before racing to try her new outfit on.

A few minutes passed before Oakley emerged from the bathroom. Her face was beaming with joy. Astrid stared at her for a moment, completely speechless before snapping back to reality.

You look, beautiful.' She practically drooled. 'Now, sit!' She pointed towards a stool.

'Why?' Oakley asked suspiciously.

'Just trust me.'

Oakley couldn't argue. So she sat on the stool as Astrid approached with a comb and a pair of scissors. Time for a haircut.


A few moments later


'Done' Astrid said, placing the comb and scissors on the desk.

She had shortened Oakleys hair by a few inches. Instead of reaching the small of her back, it now reached the middle. And instead of being in the same high ponytail she always wore, it was left to flow free, with the same knotted braid along the side that Astrid had. But, instead of leading into a larger braid, it was pinned under a layer of hair at the back of her head. Her kransen had been tucked under the braid and her bangs, only showing around the back of her head.

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