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The girls emerged from the Hofferson house, each with an arm wrapped around the other, where they were greeted by every viking on Berk, who rushed over to thank the young mystery girl for her courage and selflessness, very few remembering to wish Astrid a happy birthday.

'Give her some air!' Stoick bellowed as he and Hiccup approached the scene, along with Astrid's mother. The crowd quickly faded as everyone rushed to the great hall for lunch.

Oakley quickly jumped into her father's arms. He in turn, said nothing, until the hug was broken moments later.

'How are you feeling, Lass?' He asked.

'A little dizzy,' She admitted, grasping Astrids hand. 'But, otherwise, okay.'

Astrid and Oakley decided not to tell everyone about their new relationship, but also agreed not to hide it either. They chose to enjoy watching everyone figure it out for themselves.

'Thank you, for the tea, Mrs. Hofferson. 'And everything else.'

'You're welcome, Dear. And please, call me Lotus.' She corrected.

Astrid's stomach gurgled as she hadn't eaten since lunch yesterday.

The others all chuckled as Astrid looked away, embarrassed.

'Come on, Piglet. Let's get you fed!' Oakley tightened her grip on Astrid's hand before slowly making their way to the great hall for breakfast.

Hiccup smiled at the adorable nickname, though his father just looked confused.


The great hall was bigger than Oakley had imagined, but also more bustling as every viking on Berk was tucking into breakfast.

Astrid squeezed her hand gently, pulling her towards her usual table with the recruits at the back of the hall.

'Guys, this is my sister.' Hiccup explained as the girls approached the table. 'Oakley Freya Haddock.'

They all greeted her as she sat between her brother and her girlfriend.

'Freya?' Astrid asked. 'You didn't tell me that.'

'You didn't ask.' Oakley teased.

'How are you feeling?' Fishlegs asked.

'Yeah, gorgeous... How you feeling?' Snotlout copied, staring at her rather flirtatiously.

'I feel great.'

'Yeah, you look great!' Snotlout flirted, stroking her hand on the table.

'Ugh.' Oakley was not having any of it. She grabbed the stocky vikings drink and threw it over him. Astrid laughed at her girlfriends action.

Snotlout growled and left to clean up.

'Sweetie,' Astrid gestured towards fishlegs, who looked like he was gonna explode. 'I think Fishlegs wants to talk to you.'

'I was just curious about your dragon.' Fishlegs explained to Oakley, oblivious to the use of the word 'sweetie'.


'Yeah, it's just... he's an unusual color for a Stormcutter.' Fishlegs mentioned. 'And they don't usually shoot plasma blasts.'

'Yeah, that was weird to me too.' Oakley replied. 'He actually has many fire types; Plasma blast, Magnesium blast, Lava blast, Water blast. I'm still doing the research on that one.'

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