New power

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'Oak, this is getting ridiculous.' Astrid stated. 'You need to start taking care of yourself.'

'Astrid, I'm fine!' Oakley insisted.

She gasped as Astrid placed slight pressure on her bruise with her leg. She winced in pain, biting her lip to avoid screaming.

'No you're not!'


The group decided to change the subject into something more positive.

Astrid leaning on Oakleys chest, which she found a pleasant change of pace.

She slowly began to squirm as she felt her breakfast finally catching up and heading back towards her throat.

'Oak!' She gasped.

Her breathing began to speed up as she closed her lips together firmly in an attempt to keep her breakfast down. It was no use, she could feel it coming. She gently sat up, now sitting sideways in Oakleys lap.

Oakley immediately knew what was happening and reached for a bucket that she had brought. She grabbed it and wasted no time placing it infront of the gagging viking. Astrid soon began emptying her breakfast into the bucket.

Oakley quickly grabbed as much of Astrids hair as she could, still holding the bucket in place as Astrid continued wretching.

When she was sure that Astrid was done, she removed the bucket from her lap and quickly began to tie Astrids freeflowing hair into a loose ponytail, in case it happened again, she couldn't braid it without hurting her.

'Oakl-...' was all she managed to get out before the bucket was in front of her again, as she continued heaving her guts up.

'Shhhh...' Oakley began gently rubbing circles on her back, knowing perfectly well that Astrid was trying to apologize for causing a scene. '...It's okay.'

After a few minutes, Astrid was completely empty as she continued to gag but nothing came up. Now she was done for sure. Oakley grabbed a cloth from her supplies to wipe Astrids mouth before grabbing her canteen of water and gently placing it in Astrids left hand, gripping her fingers around it and holding them in place.

Astrid appreciated that Oakley was helping her to do it herself rather than doing it for her.

Astrid was totally in control for the first time that day. Oakley was just their to keep the canteen in her hand. Astrid lifted her hand and gently began to sip the water before lowering it back down.

Oakley gently leaned in to kiss Astrids temple.

'I can't believe that you guys are still trying to trick me.' Snotlout snorted.

'Not now Snotlout.' Oakley rolled her eyes as Astrid rested her head back down to Oakleys chest.

'I know you guys aren't really a couple... so just give it up!'

Astrid winced in pain as she attempted to rearrange position.

'Snotlout, I said not now!' Oakley snapped, trying to comfort Astrid. She had been working so hard on suppressing her anger, but she couldn't hold it in anymore. She growled at Snotlout, as her hair slowly lit up with light blue flames, although it had no affect on her.

Snotlout yelped.

Everyone gasped, except Astrid, who had been expecting this much sooner.

'Uh... Oak?' Hiccup seemed concerned as Astrid grabbed her canteen of water. '...Your hair's on fire!' He mentioned, as if she didn't know.

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