How About Forever

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My friend wrote a lot of this chapter, so credit to Hailey.

Hope you enjoy :)


Ten days had passed. Stoick had roped Oakley into helping him with chiefing duties. She barely got a moments rest and had hardly said two words to any of the riders in the last week. By the time she finished her duties, she was so exhausted she just went back to her hut to sleep. Her routine had been thrown completely out of the window and it was definitely stressing her out. Her sudden fame not helping any, as she was constantly finding herself surrounded by vikings. The lack of routine, the sudden fame, the lack of time with friends, the stressful duties from dawn till dusk, the thought of becoming chief, her father breathing down her neck all the livelong day and spending the entire week without Astrid, was definitely bringing her down. Her panic attacks were becoming a daily occurence, though she practically had to schedule them in between duties and she wasn't happy about going through them alone hidden behind the great hall either.

Most mornings she didn't want to get out of bed. When her father dragged her out of bed in the morning she just followed him around on StarGazer, not socializing with anyone until absolutely necessary. Astrid had been sending Terror mails to her hut everyday, giving her a few minutes of happiness when she came home, although it was hardly the same as having her there.

She woke up to familiar voices coming from the ground below. She tucked her head under her pillow, desperately trying to ignore them, until she heard it. Astrid's voice. She jumped out of bed and rushed to the window to see all her friends playing on the beach just a few trees away.

She quickly raced to get dressed before rushing to the trap door. She had invented a whole new system to get up to the tree house, but getting down was as simple as sliding down the chain. It was a lot less painful than the rope. When she hit the ground she rushed to the edge of the sand, shortly followed by her dragon.

She smiled, possibly for the first time in days as Astrid spun round and rushed into her arms.

'Oak!' She cheered, refusing to let go. Oakley buried her face in the blonde's hair.

'I missed you.' She sighed.

'I missed you too.' Astrid squeezed her tight.

The other riders soon came over to say hello. Although, Astrid refused to let her go.

'Oak... I love your top.' Hiccup said, noticing her new shirt and sleeves. They were just like Astrid's except her shirt was a deep red and her sleeves were the same dark grey as her shoulder pads.

'I have a name, you know?' Astrid joked, turning her head towards the one legged viking.

Oakley giggled and pulled Astrid into a kiss, lifting her off the ground. Astrid squeaked, she wasn't used to it. She always did the lifting. The kiss wasn't very long as they knew everyone was staring at them.

'That's my girl.' She smiled.

'Hey Oak...' Fishlegs broke the silence. 'You look pretty tired, are you okay?'

'I am now.' She reassured.

'Oakley... There you are!' She heard a voice coming from behind her and knew she had spoken too soon. Her smile quickly faded as Stoick approached the group. 'Come on, Lass. We've got work to do!'

Astrid looked at her and saw the guilty apologetic look in her eyes. She backed away, faking a smile before nodding. 'Go.'


'Yes! Now that Oakley isn't here, we should definitely explore her hut!' Tuffnut suggested. Ruffnut and Snotlout agreed immediately and after a while, even fishlegs and Hiccup agreed.

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