Sniffles, Scars and Schedules

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Oakley finished her workout as Astrid emerged from the bathroom wearing her, now dry, clothes.

'So, what do you do next?' Astrid asked, as Oakley began to make her bed, leaving all four blankets on the end of the bed, folded perfectly.

She took the blue tunic Astrid had been wearing and folded it next to her red one.

'Next...' Oakley opened one of the two large chests, which was filled with spare pieces of parchment all piled neatly. She took out two pieces and handed one to Astrid, also handing her a pencil. '...We draw.'

Astrid furrowed her brow in confusion as Oakley walked towards the other chest. 'Draw?'

'Yup.' Oakley opened the other chest to reveal more pieces of parchment, all stacked vertically allowing her to find the correct piece, as these already had sketches on each of them.

She flicked through the sketches of different dragons she had made over the years.

'I think you have a dragon obsession.' Astrid teased, jokingly.

'Why wouldn't I?' Oakley asked. 'They're beautiful.' Oakley finally found the sketch of the deadly nadder she had drawn.  'And they aren't the bad guys, people think they are.'

The two girls headed towards the fire and sat back in the chairs and began to draw.

'You know this how?' Astrid asked.

'Once you've earned their trust...' Oakley hesitated. '...There is nothing a dragon won't do for you.'

'Have a lot of dragon friends, do you?'

'A few.'

'Wait,' Astrid looked up from her drawing. 'You're serious?'

Oakley returned her gaze and nodded, before returning her attention to her sketch.


'Done.' Oakley finally said.

Astrid had drawn two pictures in the time it took Oakley to draw one, and when Astrid saw it, it was clear why. The detail and shading she had put into it was astounding.

'Is that me?' Astrid stared at the drawing. 'Why did you draw me with a Nadder?'

'I don't know.' Oakley thought. 'It just seemed to fit, the colors match your shirt, the spikes match your skirt. Perfect match.'

Oakley handed the sketch to Astrid to observe it more closely.

'Oh really? And what's your perfect dragon?'

Oakley walked to the small Stormcutter painted on the wall by her desk. 'StarGazer, he's my perfect dragon.'

'A blue Stormcutter? That's a strange color for that breed.' Astrid implied, walking over to join Oakley.

'He's definitely one of a kind.' Oakley whispered.

'Maybe, I could meet him one day.' Astrid asked.

'I think he'll like that.' Oakley looked up towards her friend.

Astrid gently tucked Oakleys bangs behind her ear, noticing that her left eye looked more blue and her right, more green.

Oakley shuddered and closed her eyes as Astrid gently traced a finger down the scar across her eye.

'I know, it looks bad.' Oakley quickly covered it back up, only to have her hand slapped away as Astrid tuck her bangs back once again.

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