Truth or Dare

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They gang had all agreed to play Truth or Dare and after Hiccup had explained the game to Oakley, she was surprisingly eager to play.

'Okay, I'll go first.' Tuffnut stated. 'Hiccup, Truth or Dare?'

'Uhhh, Truth.' He chose, hesitantly.

'What's with that line on your chin?'

'It's a scar, Tuff.'

Oakley scoffed. 'You call that a scar?' She giggled. Astrid smiled.

'Yeah, well at least I'm not afraid of my scars.' He joked. She didn't find it very funny. But slowly tucked her bangs behind her ear revealing her scar.

She looked towards the ground then towards Astrid who just smiled at her. She turned to her brother, who was looking guilty about his choice of words.

'I think I'll just let that Timberjack saw you in half, next time.' She chuckled.

'Can I watch?' Tuffnut begged.

'Wait...' Fishlegs interrupted. 'You jumped in front of a Timberjack?'

'A baby Timberjack... Ten years ago.' Hiccup explained.


'Okay, my turn.' Hiccup changed the subject. 'Astrid, truth or dare?'

'Truth.' Now Astrid didn't pick truth often, but she'd had very little sleep and Hiccups dares usually involved some acrobatics of some sort.

He thought for a moment. 'What's one thing that not many people know about you?'

She searched for an answer that wouldn't embarrass her too much. 'I... Have a birthmark.'

'Really? Where?' Ruff asked.

She pointed to the spot on her inner thigh about three and a half inches above her knee.

'What does it look like?' Tuff questioned.

'I don't know! It's just a random mark.' She replied.

'It sorta looked like an axe.' Oakley quickly froze, she really had to think about what she was saying before she said it. Everyone stared at her. I guess they were even now.

'Fishlegs! Truth or dare!' Astrid interrupted.


'Do you have a security blanket?' Astrid asked, already knowing the answer, after catching him snuggling up to an actual blanket, weeks earlier.

He growled at her. 'Yes.'

'Snotlout, Truth or dare?' He quickly added, to avoid questions.

'Dare.' Snotlout scoffed. 'Bring it on Fishface, the Snotman isn't afraid of anything!'

'I dare you to kiss Astrid.'

Everyone gasped, except Astrid whos eyes opened wide.

Snotlout gulped. 'What's my forfeit?'

'Smell Tuff's feet.'

Snotlout gagged at the memory of that stench. No way was he doing that again. 'No thanks... I'm good.' He said trying desperately to keep his dinner down. He looked at Astrid and sighed, preparing for the beating he was about to receive as he walked in her direction.

Hiccup smiled, as he knew Snotlout wouldn't get anywhere near her.

He was right. The moment Snotlout was within reach, a leg swung behind him, tripping him over. Although, not the leg he had expected. Oakley quickly spun on the ground before pushing off the rocky floor, standing above the stocky viking with her foot on his chest and her fist raised in the air.

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