Chapter 3 - The Hunt Begins

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From where we left off the two members of the Straw Hats were aware that something was off about the town Whisky Peak. They were both in the night and found out it was nest of bounty hunters and now they're on the hunt. It began and now they're gone. Vanished in thin air.

Mr. 9: "Th-They're gone!"

Mr. 8: "Wh-Where the heck did they both disappear to?!"

The hunters started looking around if they were nearby. But every corner they look, every side of buildings and from ceiling to ground they weren't able to see them. But then they heard soft voices and turned to see them in the crowd of bounty hunter making their eyes wide open and making Mr. 8 and 9 eyes stretch.

Zoro: "Alright then."

(Y/N): "Shall we?" he mocked.

Hunter: "How dare you mock us?!" they all aimed their guns at them before fire a barrage of lead around.

As soon as they pulled the trigger they ended up falling to the surface lifeless. They killed each other. A moment of silence was being around for second and only crickets and chirps were heard in the night.

Mr. 8: "Idiots! They shot each other!"

Mr. 9: "Th-They disappeared again!" he yelled out.

Mr 8: "Darn! Just kill them already! It's just two crew mates!" he yelled at them before stopping and seeing the left of his head next to a blade and the right to see another.

(Y/N): "Let us ask a question..."

Zoro: "Are you sure that you need to add only one gravestone?"

The mayor did nothing but standing still and sweating. The other hunters came along and aimed their guns again ready to shoot.

Mr. 8: "I-Idiots! Don'! Are you gonna shoot me too?!" he screamed for his life popping his eyes out a bit to show how much concern for his life.

Mr. 8: "Stop! Igarappa!" he blows a horn that shouted bullets that ended up killing the people behind him.

As soon he killed them they both disappeared and hid behind a building.

Zoro: "So that's a shotgun? That thing is sure is dangerous."

(Y/N): "Better be careful, you're not a devil fruit holder that's immune to bullets like I am. You're a human."

Mr. 9: "It seems him and that top hat guy good enough that even we must be cautious." he looked left to right.

They got ready. Miss Wednesday got serious, Miss Monday cracked her knuckles, and Mr. 8 got his shotgun ready.

Mr. 8: "Do they seriously think that they can fight all of us on their own? It's hard to believe that they challenged us, even after knowing we're the Baroque Works."

As the night continues the other pirates were sleeping peacefully in the bar. Snoring all they want, dreaming their dreams, and sleep talking about what they love.

Sanji: "Ladies, please come closer..." he mumbled in his sleep.

Usopp: "I'm gonna sing Usopp Cheer #721!" he mumbled in his slumber.

Nami: "So the welcoming town, Whisky Peak, is the bounty hunters' nest, huh?" she said before opening her eye that she knew that something was off about the town.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) meditating-

Every bounty hunter went around searching for them. They were still hiding in from sight and were ready to become the predators of the night.

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