Chapter 9 - Take or Fake

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The giants stared walking towards each other and were about to fight again. Only this time, Dorry was not in good shape. Broggy swing his axe and it was blocked by Dorry's sword, once again Broggy swing his axe on more time and was blocked by the shield. But Dorry couldn't handle the strength of his rival and was struggling.

Broggy: "What's wrong, Dorry?! You're a bit sluggish!" he noticed as he repeatedly swing his axe.

Dorry: "Don't be a fool! I'm the same as always!" he played it off.

Noise of their weapons hitting and giant steps shook the ground shields colliding. Both stood for awhile before fighting again. We move to Luffy who was stuck underneath a giant block of stone covered by grass, he was punching it to get it off but couldn't get it off.

Luffy: "MOVE! YOU STUPID THING! COME ONE! JUST WHEN IT SEEMED LIKE I MET AN AWSOME WARRIOR!" he yelled in rage being stuck under a giant brick.

Vivi: "Luffy-san..."

(Y/N): "If he going to die... I'll find the person who did it, then I'll make that person suffer with their friends..." his nails began growing black and sharper as his face started to change a bit.

Vivi: "(Y/N)-san..."

Luffy: "Who is it?! Who's putting a damper on the giants' fight?!"

(Y/N): "Before we find out who's pulling the strings here, where has Karoo gone?" he said with his arms crossed before changing back to his calmer self.

Vivi: "Now that you've mentioned it... KAROO IS GONE!"

Deep within jungle was a duck running away from the fight in order to be safe. Karoo started taking deep breaths before drinking from his straw. But the yellow bird spat his drink when he heard similar voices of a female and a male, he turned his head to two people standing. Miss Valentine and Mr. 5. But he had no choice to do but listen.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) swing his whip to hit three cans perfectly-

Nami and Usopp were running away from a dinosaur but Usopp went into flashing fast speed leaving her behind. Nami stop to take some breaths but notice Luffy waving to her at a tree. She was relief to see him but as she got close Luffy didn't respond. A flame appeared and a wax like substance attacked her. Her screamed made Usopp notice that's he's alone in the jungle.

Usopp: "N-Nami?" moments of silence was around before realizing he was scared and started shivering.

Usopp: "NAMI! NAMI! NAMI! NAMI! This is not good..." he then started running everywhere to find Luffy and (Y/N), he ran everywhere and somehow ran over water.

Usopp: "LUFFY! (Y/N)! LUFFY! (Y/N)! LUFFY! (Y/N)! LUFFY!" he yells out.

It wasn't until he jumped out and was falling towards a rock that made him fly towards another before sliding down and breaking his nose. He got back to reality and warned that Nami was eaten by a dinosaur.

Luffy: "SERIOUSLY?!" he cried popping his eyes out.


(Y/N): "You say that she's gone. So we can't know for sure if she was eaten or you left her behind cowering in fear."

That made Luffy stop screaming in shock until they waited for Usopp to realize.

Usopp: "OH! WHAT DO I DO NO-... to be honest you're right. But I was not cowering in fear! I WAS TERRIFIED TO CHECK AND MAKE SURE!" he complained yelling at the inkman.

The Ink Pirate (One Piece X Male Reader Volume 1) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now