Chapter 26 - Cherry Blossoms Bloom

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Dr. Hiriluk: "I will make cherry blossoms bloom. Once my invention is complete, this country will be saved! I'll save this country as a doctor one day."

Kureha: "Humph! Didnt you mean to say "destroy the country"? This winter island where it's bitter cold year around. Cherry blossoms won't bloom here."

Dr. Hiriluk: "They will! I was a hopeless thug and dying, but I lived on after seeing those cherry blossoms. I was able to have a profound change of heart. Every human in this world can be saved! There's no disease in this world that can't be cured."

Then we find Chopper sitting in the snow on the roof of the castle looking into the snowy forest. Then he looked at the flag remembering that he was to,d to go out to sea someday to find the problem are smaller than usual. (Y/N) walked and sat next to the reindeer.

(Y/N): "How you doing?" he said to Chopper when he turned his head to the flag.

Chopper: "Do you think I'll be able to go out to sea someday?" he asked the ink man.

(Y/N): "Not someday... maybe tonight. But first, I think you should run." he said to the reindeer when they saw a familiar face.

Luffy: "Found you!" then they're off running around again.

The ink man just looked at the chase scene and shook his head. Dalton fell to one knee concerning the surrounding people around him. Vivi and Usopp ran up to him to check if he was fine, he said that he's a bit drained. That was all he said to them.

Kureha: "Hey, you guys!" she yells out to the people who were in pure shock.

Villagers: "AH! D-DR. KUREHA!"

Kureha: "Are you guys happy. *points behind* Take that injured guy to the medical ward." then Zoro remembered her from before.

Zoro: "AHH! You're that damn old hag!" and before you know it, he gets kicked and punched.

Kureha: "And anyone else injured, too!"

Villagers: "Y-Yes, Ma'am!" then she threatens them by asking if they wanted the same treatment that the swordsman.

But behind her was Sanji and Nami were planning to escape.

Sanji: "Nami-san, you should have your sickness treated all the way."

Nami: "Quiet! If I don't escaped from here now, our departure for Alabasta will be delayed by two days! Do you wanna see Vivi keep suffering?"

(Y/N): "So what are you guys talking about?" they turned to see not only him but Kureha giving them a sheer heart attack.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) getting five aces-

The villagers were in the castle waiting for their treatment after Sanji is completed. They heard a crap ton amount of screaming from pain, (Y/N) was just chuckling a bit from the screams making people freak out that hearing his evil laugh. Then comes out the witch.

Kureha: "As I thought, his injuries have gotten worse... since he overexerted himself." she explained while drinking more wine.

Kureha: "Now... Dalton... Where's the key to this arsenal? You know where it is, right?"

Dalton: "Key to the arsenal... Why do you need such a thing?"

Kureha: "It's none of your business."

(Y/N): "Wapol had it, but lost it."

Nami: "How about making it all free for my treatment and would you also discharge me right away?" she suggested.

The Ink Pirate (One Piece X Male Reader Volume 1) ON HOLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें