Chapter 37 - (Y/N) & Luffy Fight

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It was decided. The crew were resting at Yuba for the night and will later on travel to Katorea. (Y/N) was already sleeping and the others were still awake talking to each other.

Usopp: "So let's hit the hay for now and regain our strength for tomorrow! *quickly gets in bed* Nighty-Nighty!" he said his last words before going into a slumber.

Zoro: "*throws pillow at Usopp* YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING THIS WHOLE TIME!"

Usopp: "Why, you... Don't compare me with you monsters!" he throws a pillow at Zoro's face and now begun the pillow fight.

Chopper gets hit by a pillow and Usopp awarded him for being really lazy during the trip. The reindeer climbed up to Usopp and said that it wasn't his fault for standing heat.

Vivi: "Sanji-san. That's my-." but she didn't finish her sentence when Sanji said some words to explain.

Sanji: "Yes. I thought you might be cold and lonely sleeping tonight..." he gets a pillow thrown to the face.

Usopp: "And what do you think you're doing there?" he told to Sanji as the reindeer laughs.

Sanji: "Oh, that took some nerve. Which one of you is spoiling for a FIGHT?!"

Then the three started a pillow fight and Nami was getting annoyed by their play.

Nami: "Do you guys not understand the point of NAP?!" she finished as a pillow came contact with her face.

Sanji: "ALRIGHT! You're in trouble now!" he cracked his knuckles before joining in.

Now it was the four fighting. Zoro, Usopp, Sanji and Chopper, it kept going before the ink man turned his head slowly to the fight and knocked the three and carried Chopper.

(Y/N): "ALRIGHT! ENOUGH! We've been through a lot and I don't want you guys ruining my sleep!" he went back to bed.

The night was still there and Luffy was outside watching Toto digging up.

Luffy: "Hey, old guy. There's still no water. My throat's bone-dry... How can you live in a place like this? This is horrible..." he complained about Yuba.

Toto: "There'll be water. Yuba the oasis city is still alive." then out came the ink man who couldn't get any sleep from the obnoxious trio.

(Y/N): "Wonder what he's digging?" he thought to himself.

Toto: "Yuba, you see, can't be beaten by some lousy sand! I'll dig it back up as many times as it takes! This is very important land the king left in my hands."

Luffy: "Hmm... Oh! Okay! Then let's dig!" he puts his hand in the sand and fling it towards the old man.

(Y/N): "Not that way, Luffy." he made Luffy stopped and looked at them.

Toto: "ARE YOU TRYING TO FILL HOLES?!" he yelled at the rubber man.

Luffy: "No, I'm digging." he said making Toto do hand language and explaining that his sand is filling the hole he dug, but Luffy kept digging the hole he made.

(Y/N): "I'll dig my own..." he walked off a bit to find a place to dig.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) digging up sand-

The digging went through the night. Toto noticed that the sand that Luffy made flying to the old man's hole stopped. He walked over to see the two dug up a deep hole in a short amount of time.

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