Chapter 13 - Goodbye Giants

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Then Luffy and Karoo returned to their friends. Once they made it Broggy was crying and somehow created a rainbow, he was crying so much because the lost of his friend, Dorry. But it was the tears that made Dorry wake from the dead and made everyone eyes stretched.

Broggy: "Dorry! How are you..."

Dorry: "It seems I blacked out..."

(Y/N): "There you guys are. I've been looking everywhere." he steps out the bushes.

Vivi: "(Y/N)-san where were you-." it wasn't until then that she notice his upper half of his body was showing his six abs and muscular arms.

(Y/N): "I've almost forgot, my clothes burned when I was saving Karoo from the fire. But has anyone seen Sanji?"

Apparently Sanji was in a wax house on a snail phone. The person on the call mentioned Mr. 0, so it made Sanji talk some more to get more information about Mr. 0. Aka, Crocodile.

Sanji: "Wasn't Mr. 0 the nam of the enemy boss Vivi-chan talked about? Which means the guy on the other end of this Transponder Snail... is one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?!" he said to himself.

Now Sanji found out the place he was in was the enemy's hideout, and it was Mr. 3 who was taking Vivi's life. Then the snail started talking again and waiting for the answer, if they have eliminated the Straw Hats and the princess. Sanji couldn't keep them waiting and started talking.

Sanji: "I got rid of everyone who found out about your secret. So there's no need to go after 'me anymore."

???: "I see. Well done. As we speak, the Unluckies are headed your way to confirm your mission is complete and to deliver a certain package."

Sanji: "Unluckies? Package?"

???: "An Eternal Pose that points to the Alabasta Kingdom. You and Ms. Golden Weekwill head to Alabasta. The time has come. We're about to begin our most important operation. Details will come after you reach Alabasta. Wait for my orders." then Sanji turned to his right and see an otter and a vulture.

The vulture lean forwards and revealed two cannons and the otter splits it shell into two and claws pulls out. Sanji gets a response from the guy on the other side and Sanji told that everything was fine. But the vulture shot his gun and Sanji which made him retreat to the table, the vulture continued shooting until all the pottery was destroyed, the otter came running as it push its claws.

Sanji: "You tryin' to kill me?! Bring it on, you damn monkey!" he kicked the otter on the head making it hit the leaving leaving a crater that was in the otter's shape.

Sanji: "I'm telling you... to stop that!" he flipped and headlocks the vulture with his feet and snap its neck.

???: "What was that?! What happened?!"

Sanji ran to the phone and said that it was nothing and tried tricking him saying that it was Luffy and said that he finished him off. Then the guy on the other side got a bit timid and commanded him to head to Alabasta now. The call ended. Then we returned to the giants.

Dorry: "It's probably because... of those weapons..."

Everyone was still in shock while (Y/N) and Zoro were neutral.

Usopp: "Weapons?! Oh, yeah! Not even Elbaf weapons could keep up with two giants fighting to the death for 100 years straight!" he wiped his tears and yelled in happiness.

The giant had their moments of friendship hugging each other and laughing while crying.


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