Chapter 61 - Gateway to Heaven

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They we're still zooming up into the sky. Then a light appeared in their eyes and they got to the other side of the clouds.

(Y/N): "Man, you guys look terrible." he said when he was the only one who was fine.

Zoro: "Damn... What happened?! Is everyone here?!"

Luffy: "HEY, GUYS! Look outside the ship!"

Luffy: "HEY, GUYS! Look outside the ship!"

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(Y/N): "Are we dead?"


They crew couldn't believe not only that they made it pass the clouds, but somehow floating above the clouds. Luffy answered the question. He said it's because they were clouds.

(Y/N), Zoro & Sanji: "That's not how it works!"


Luffy: "WHAT?! DO SOMETHING! CPR!" he yelled making Sanji have the idea to give CPR to Nami.

(Y/N) & Zoro: "Moron..."

Usopp wakes up.

Luffy & Chopper: "USOPP!" they were glad that he was still alive.

Usopp: "Clouds... *eyes pop out* WHAT?! THESE ARE CLOUDS! NO, THERE'S TOO MANY! WHAT IS THIS?!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

Nami: "Basically, this is an ocean in the sky?"

Usopp: "An ocean... IN THE SKY?!" he was still in shock.

Nami: "But look! The Log Pose is still pointing upward!"

Robin: "It seems we're in the middle section of the cumuloregalis clouds."

Chopper: "So we have to go higher? How?" he asked.

(Y/N): "I think no one knows..."


Zoro: "We forget." he makes a great excuse.

Usopp got ready to swim in the ocean, which is the sky. Luffy and Chopper were cheering for him. Sanji told them not to be reckless, they still don't know what the sky ocean is cable of. But Usopp didn't listen and dove in the clouds.

Luffy: "AWESOME!"

Chopper: "HE'S SO BRAVE!"

Usopp was swimming around and noticing something about the clouds.

Usopp: "There's so little resistance... But it's heard to see anything at all... Oh! I'm swimming deeper and deeper! So easily...!" he said in his mind while swimming down.

Luffy: "Usopp's so lucky! If only I could swim, too!"

Chopper: "I bet he's having the time of his life..."

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