Chapter 63 - Upper Yard

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Luffy: "THERE'S A GOD?! IN A PLACE WHERE WE'RE NEVER TO SET FOOT IN?!" he yells after hearing what he heard from Conis and Pagaya.

(Y/N): "Seems to be so."

Chopper: "God... you mean that God? God lives on the sky island?!"

Conis: "Yes. Since Skypiea is God's Land, it's ruled by the Almighty God Eneru."

Sanji: "The Almighty God?"

Conis: "God Eneru knows everything in this world."


Conis: "He's also watching us all the time."

Usopp: "ALL THE TIME?!"

(Y/N): "Is he watching us right now?" he poured more tea for himself.

Conis: "Of course." she answered making Chopper freak out.

Zoro: "Humph. God, huh?"

Chopper: "You don't believe in God?"

Zoro: "I don't know. Whether or not God exists doesn't matter to me. I couldn't care less from the beginning. But I don't intend to deny those who want to believe." he explained.

(Y/N): "Thats a good point." he wrote it all down.

Sanji: "So, have you seen that God who lives in Upper Yard, Conis-chan?"

Conis: "No! God forbid! We cannot step foot in Upper Yard. Never... The sacred ground, Upper Yard, is forbidden."

Some were worried about Nami, but Luffy had other ideas. (Y/N) stopped drinking when he saw the the face of his captain thinking of something that would most likely get them in trouble.

Luffy: "I see. A place that we're not allowed to go no matter what, huh?" he had sparkles around around his face as Usopp grabbed his shirt and started shaking him around.

Usopp: "AH! Your eyes...! What're you thinking about right now?!"

(Y/N): "He's thinking we should explore and risk our lives for adventure like pirates."

Luffy was still daydreaming of going to the sacred ground. The others gave him a face that tells him "are you serious?" They we're all tired of Luffy's habit of being a pirate.

Luffy: "Hm? But if he's God, wouldn't he forgive you even if you go someplace you're not supposed to? He's nice, right?"

Conis: "Well... but breaking God's rules is blasphemous, so..."

Luffy: "I see. Well, I guess it doesn't matter either way."

Chopper: "That's because he intends to go even if he won't be forgiven!"

Robin: "So, what happens if someone goes into that forbidden Upper Yard?"

Conis: "Th-That's..." she was too afraid to say the words.

(Y/N): "Spit it out already..."

Pagaya: "The person cannot come back alive. Everyone believes so." he says it for his daughter.


This made Sanji's cigarette fell out his mouth. That's why the angel were worried about Nami.

Pagaya: "I hope she isn't near Upper Yard."


The Ink Pirate (One Piece X Male Reader Volume 1) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now