Chapter 5 - Set Sail to Alabasta

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As we left off the captain of the Straw Hats Luffy started a fight with his right hand man Zoro. Luffy had forgotten about (Y/N) due to being angry. As they were watching (Y/N) was drinking tea to witness the show, as for Princess Vivi she was shocked by the amount of power that the three held.

Vivi: "This can't be! What strength! Unbelievable!"

(Y/N): "Believe in this wonderland princess... what you see will show the true meaning of living in this world *sips* wants some tea to calm you down?"

Vivi: "Th-Thank you..." she accepted the tea.

Zoro: "Alright then. Let's settle this!"

Luffy: "Yeah!"

They squeeze their hands into fist and veins started popping out. Noise of bones cracking was heard. Luffy and Zoro were about to start.

(Y/N): "I wish I had biscuits with me."

They were letting out a heatwave from their body. Sound of spark was in the air. They started screaming at each other in the face about to fight, but a new challenger approached and stopped the fight.


(Y/N): "Sad, I really wanted to see the fight... and that was a bit mean Nami *sips* you really need a hobby."

Nami: "I could've lost 1 billion berries if they continued! At least you kept her safe from anymore danger from these two!"

Vivi: "What are you talking about?" she asked in curiosity.

(Y/N): "If I had to guess... Nami wanted to earn a billion berries if we protect you from any danger. It's about money for her, cares nothing but money." he said before getting bonked on the head.

(Y/N): "Ow... that really hurt... should be lucky that my hat wasn't on because if you destroy my hat it won't end well for you..." he warned Nami before getting his hat.

Nami: "You don't have to scare to warn them and... BOTH OF YOU QUIT FIGHTING!"

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) eating a jar of biscuits-

Luffy started laughing at Zoro for making an excuse that he didn't like. Nami was explaining more about the contract with Vivi, and (Y/N) simply drawn on the wall of a perfect drawing of the four.

Nami: "So you see that's why I want 1 billion berries. You saw how powerful they are in combat."

Vivi: "I refuse. I do appreciate you saving me. Thank you."

(Y/N): "Maybe talk about your kingdom, Alabasta." he finished drawing.

Vivi: "It's a peaceful kingdom known as a great civilization and nation. Well it used to be."

Nami: "What do you mean, it used to be?"

Vivi: "It's in the middle of a civil war. For years now, signs of revolution have begun to appear. The people revolted, and the kingdom fell into chaos... Then, one day, I heard the name of an organization... Baroque Works!"

(Y/N): "Yep... heard that many times during our fight now please continue."

Vivi: "I learned that the populace was being manipulated by this group. But there was a tight lid on any other information than that, and there was nothing I could do. That's when I asked Igaram, who always meddled in my business since childhood, for help."

Luffy: "The old man with the curly hair?"

Vivi: "Oh, yes, I asked him if there was a way I could infiltrate Baroque Works. Because that would let us see who was pulling the strings, and what their goal was."

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