Chapter 35 - Bandits or Soldiers

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The wood has returned and the ship has been fixed. Barbarossa warned them that there's a village ahead where people eke out a living in their lives. But the captain of sand pirates told them that there's nothing to worry about and they waved goodbye to the Straw Hat pirates.

(Y/N): "Wonder where your brother is... you think he got stopped by a lizard that's derpy?"

Chopper: "A derpy lizard?" he image of a crossed eye lizard in his head.

Luffy: "Dunno. But he's Ace. Nothing to worry about. He'll suddenly show up again out of nowhere!"

Nami: "Why do you keep making such groundless claims?"

Luffy: "Anyways, let's hurry to this Udo village!" he said and Vivi was waving back to Rasa who was on top of the mast next to the flag.

(Y/N): "You mean Ido." he corrected the rubber man.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) drawing his friends-

Ace somehow found a village and was eating the left over food of the rebel soldiers. The lizard was still around and was blocking the soldiers.

Ace: "You cowards got real guts to call yourselves rebel soldiers. If you ask me, it's a pretty despicable thing for four grown men to do." he mocks the soldiers.

Soldier 1: "Who the hell are you?! Mind your own business! When did you get here, anyways?!

Soldier 2: "FOOD THIEF!"

It only took a few seconds for Ace to beat them up. One was stuck in a wall, one was stuck in a big vase and the last one was beaten into the ground.

Camu: "I'm so sorry! I now realize you're no ordinary person! As you can see, we stand no chance at all against sand pirates! Please lend us your help!" he beg for Ace to help.

Ace: "Hmm. I'm not against the idea... but on one condition."

Camu: "Any you want!"

Shortly, Ace returns and found the crew and had food to bring back. Ace was riding his derpy lizard and Luffy was wondering what it was.

(Y/N): "So I was right..." he said when the lizard starting looking at him as it was copying his movements.

Ace: "Oh! So you're the sand pirates?"

Luffy: "Huh? What do you mean? We just left the sand pirates."

Ace: "Oh? Really? Well, whatever. Anyways, great news, Luffy! I bought plenty of food and water!" he points behind him to show it.

Sanji: "Oh! Much appreciated! This should be more than enough for a good while!"

Usopp: "Ace is incredible..." he said as Nami climbed down the camel.

Nami: "Thats for sure! He's nothing like a certain little brother we know!" she said and the long nose agrees.

Chopper: "I was so thirsty..."

(Y/N): "Drink up." he offers a cup to the reindeer.

Vivi: "Um, Ace. I assume you don't have the money for that. Don't tell me you stole it from that village..." she worried.

Ace: "Nothing of the sort! The rebel army gave it to me!"

Vivi: "THE REBEL ARMY?!" she yells making Luffy and Chopper spit out their drinks.

Ace: "Well, I should say "clearly fake rebel soldiers" to be more precise."

(Y/N): "So they call themselves rebel soldiers, just to protect the village and they fooled the villagers. Bunch of liars, like Usopp." he says making the long nose hear him.

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