Chapter 51 - Bonding Time

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It was night and everyone was asleep. Chopper fell asleep while reading a book, Luffy and Usopp were sleeping in their hammock, Zoro and Sanji were sleeping on the floor. Nami was awake outside and was at the front, that's when she spots an island. (Y/N) was of course tap dancing. Robin was nowhere to be found.

Usopp: "I... I can't breathe... Stop it... Lashes...!" he sleep talks when Luffy's head was on top.

Nami: "Everyone! Rise and shine!"

Sanji: "Good morning, Nami-san... Give me your passionate morning kiss..." he slowly pushed his face towards Zoro who woke up to see him getting closer.


Sanji woke up from dream land. And they both have the same angry expression on their faces.



They both ended up in a fight. Luffy woke up at the mention of an island. (Y/N) goes to the front to see it for himself, he looked at for a second and had one thing in his mind.

(Y/N): "It looks like a pineapple."

They made it to shore and got off.

Luffy: "Doesn't this island have monsters? I prefer big and strong ones."

Usopp: "*fixing nose* Don't step on it. Don't step on it. Don't step on my most precious life..."

Nami: "There's doesn't seem to be anything that looks suspicious, and it looks like this is a small island, too..."

Sanji: "Look, Nami-san! This pineapples are perfect for creating nonperishable food! Plus, it seems that this island is loaded with them."

(Y/N): "Well you guys can do that. I'm staying here, I need my rest from the battle I had with the sand gator." he had his back against the wall lounging.

Nami: "Okay. Then the remaining four of you will do this." she pulls out four stick to Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Chopper.

They were confused.

Nami: "The three that pulls the shortest will have to spend the day collecting all these fruits. The one who pulls the longest will stay here and guard the ship with (Y/N)."

Zoro: "Why are you giving out the orders?"

Nami: "I know that the captain gives out the orders, but..."

Luffy: "Oh, hey... they're all short. Isn't the one who grabs the most the winner?"

Zoro: "I get what you mean..."

They all drew the stick and Chopper got the longest out of the three. The reindeer is now watching the ship while the others are exploring the island.

Chopper: "See you later! Be careful! Have fun!" he waved goodbye to the crew.

(Y/N): "So it's just us."

Chopper: "What should I do?" he asked the ink man.

(Y/N): "Have fun, and tell me when you need help with anything..." he drifted off to sleep.

Chopper looked around and noticed how big the ship was without the others. Then Chopper started playing around being captain and telling orders. He went around everywhere from top to bottom.

Chopper: "Hurray, Captain Chopper! Hurray!" he fell down and noticed that Robin was on the ship still which made him scared.

(Y/N): "Yummy tea *sips* glad I still have some biscuits to go along with it."

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