Chapter 96 - This is Goodye?

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The news has been spread around the city. Papers showing the four with a bounty on their head in the Straw Hat Pirates. (Y/N) and Luffy were standing face to face with Iceberg pointing his gun at the gentleman.

Iceberg: "I'll say it again. *loads pistol* Let me see Nico Robin."

(Y/N): "I'll tell you something, mayor. Bullets are useless against, plus, it's now not possible for us to bring Robin back. We don't know where she is right now."

The mayor looks at him for a bit. Then he points at Luffy and shoots. The shipwrights heard it come from the bedroom and started sprinting to see what happened. Once they opened the door, they saw he was unharmed and where the bullet was shot on the ground, and an opened window.

Shipwright: "Y-You're okay..."

Iceberg: "Yeah... I bet on a silly hope that I might be able to get closer to the truth. Capture... all the Straw Hats!"

All the shipwrights listened and were commanded with a task. The pirates were outside on the roof looking at the Galley-La Company main office.

Nami: "Oi, Luffy. We're you able to talk to Iceberg-san by any chance?"

Luffy: "Yeah. He said he really saw Robin." he had his hat down making a shadow cover his eyes.

Nami: "Can't be...! Why would Robin do something like that?"

(Y/N): "All those words... I still believe that Robin is a nice person."

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) making green tea-

The two went and jumped off from a tall building.

Nami: "N... NOOO!! I'M FALLING! I'M FALLING!" she screams in fear while leaving tears flying.

(Y/N): "That bridge there. Wicked Whip!" he slings to it before he was out of range and swings to a new direction.

Luffy does the same with his arm and wraps around it and follows (Y/N). Then they landed on top of the roof safely, well, (Y/N) did. The other two kinda crash.

(Y/N): "Thats a fun way to travel." he stretches out.

Luffy: "All right! We've landed! *rubs forehead* Boy, I'm exhausted." Nami slowly rises up behind and punched his noggin.

Nami: "DON'T "We've landed" ME! I THOUGHT I'D DIE!"

Luffy: "What else could we have done?! It was you who said that we couldn't use the elevator because we didn't want them to find us!" he cried holding the bump on his head.

Nami: "*grabs Luffy's vest* EVEN SO, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO JUMP OFF! WE'RE NOT THAT SHIPWRIGHT WITH A SQUARE NOSE!" she violently shakes Luffy back and forth.

Luffy: "I... I'm sorry." he apologized having swirls as his eyes.

(Y/N): "Look on the bright side. We managed to make it down without being caught."

Nami: "But... this may be kinda bad."

Luffy: "Bad? What's bad?" he asked not knowing what she was talking about.

Nami: "This island's geography and the weather. With this much wind blowing, if the atmosphere pressure drops, a typhoon might come through here tonight. This town is called the City of Water. In other words, it can be a weak point that could easily lead to flood damage."

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