Chapter 20 - Chopper the Reindeer Doctor

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We return to the castle where Nami was resting. She met a reindeer that had a blue nose and was standing on its hind legs, but it got scared and was trying to hide from her, but he didn't know that he was on the wrong side.

Nami: "Isn't that... backwards?" she finally made the reindeer realize which made it turn its body to now actually hidden behind the wall besides its head.

Nami: "You're too slow... and you're not completely hiding, either... Just what are you?"

Reindeer: "Sh... Shut up, human! And how's your fever?" he got angry before becoming calm.

Nami: "It talked!" she screamed in shock to see an animal talk.

The reindeer got scared against and fell behind and crashing into different things. Then a elderly female voice told the reindeer called Chopper to keep it down, then the dust cloud cleared out and revealed the witch, Dr. Kureha.

Kureha: "Your fever seems to have come down a little, girl. *smiles wider* Are you happy?" she stood there with a bottle of whine in her hand and placing her finger to feel the temperature.

Nami:"Who are you?"

Kureha: "38.2 degrees... Hmm... You're doing more or less alright. I'm a doctor. Dr. Kureha. But you can call me *lifts glasses up* Doctorine."

Nami: "Doctor... Then I'm in the..."

Kureha: "My secret to saying young...?"

Nami: "No, I didn't ask that."

The witch doctor begins drinking again and told her patient that she's in the castle that's on top of the mountain. Then Nami asked where the three boys were, the witch answers her question.

Kureha: "Yeah, they're sleeping in the next room... very deeply. What tough guys..." she then lifts Nami's shirt to reveal her stomach covered in purple marks that was the cause.

Nami: "What... is this?"

Kureha: "You were bitten by a bug called Kestia. It's a poisonous tick that lives in the jungle with high temperature and humidity. Once you're bitten by it, the bacteria come in and keep you in pain by lying dominant inside your body for 5 days. It causes high fever of above 40 degrees, coinfection, myocarditis, arteritis, cerebritis! Given the infection's progression from the bitten area, I'd say you've been infected for three days. The suffering must have been harsh, but 2 more days should heal you up without any treatment." she explained to her.

Nami: "In 2 more days..?"

Kureha: "Yeah, because you would've died in 2 days."

It left the navigator in shock. The witch said it was called the "5-day disease" but Kestia died from extinction a hundred years ago. But if anything happened like that, Kureha or Doctorine would also have the antibiotic for the illness. Then she asked where they came from, mentioned that their body was exposed to the a jungle. Then Nami finally remembers back in Little Garden.

Kureha: "That ring a bell? What a crazy girl..." then she pushed her down to the bed and told her to stay until her illness has disappeared.

Nami: "Thank you so much. So long as my fever comes down, I'll be fine. My body will care of itself right?"

Kureha: "You're too optimistic. This disease normally takes about 10 days to full treat. Of course if you want to suffer and die... Even with the medicine I have, you'll have to rest for 3 days."

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